Two Miles in 16:40
I actually made it to the gym before work this morning. I did a little running – I ended up doing about 22 minutes all told. Not in
It’s cool though because although I’ve lost some strength in my chest, my shoulders are stronger than they have ever been, and I think that helped compensate, and that means that if I just stick with it, I should be able to get stronger than ever.
It’s one of my goals to someday be able to bench my own body weight. That’s not in the near future, but it would be a nice achievement.
Unfortunately, I didn’t give myself quite enough time and so I had to get from the Embarcadero gym to my office at Fisherman’s Wharf by cab. I left my apartment at 6:15am and showed up at the gym at 6:44, which I think is damn good time. It was 8:44am when I left Jamba Juice and thanks to a taxi I was opening the door at 8:58am. So Splicer makes it to work on time for the sixth day running! Yay me! And I can just do enough so I’m not rushing at the end the next time.
And I bet it would go faster if I came all the way to the North Point gym to work out and shower, and then walk to the office. But the North Point gym smells bad. Not like stinky people bad either, it’s like this horrid mildew smell. But I’ll try it out and see how the timing works. I bet I can still keep my alarm at 5:30 and be at work by 9am. I’d hate to have to wake up even earlier. Ugh.
Two weeks ago I was going to sleep at 4 or 5am… now I’m up at 5:30. No wonder I’m going crazy.