Times like this
Great Heaven knows
We wish we had
Not so many clothes
I have too many clothes, and still not enough to wear.
I’m doing laundry this morning, and it’s been two weeks since my last trip to the laundromat. I’ve gone longer than that before, but it wasn’t pretty. This time I had to get pretty creative too.
I’d like to get rid of all the stuff that I have that doesn’t fit or that I don’t need. for that I need to know how many articles of clothing I need. I think I should do laundry once a week, so theoretically that means i should own seven of everything. Right? Well, of course not. I don’t wear the same thing every day, and I don’t want to wear the same thing every day.
I’m becoming aware that I’ve collected clothing to allow me to blend in, chameleon-like, to a variety of situation. I can wear my torn jeans or get my suit out. i always dress appropriate to what I think others expect of me. I saw a billboard with a guy wearing a v‑neck sweater and a white t‑shirt showing underneath, and commented on what an annoying look that is and the woman I was dating at the time said, “no! that’s a great look!” so I went out and bought one.
Not to be unmindful of the need to dress appropriately for different situations, I think it’s time that I make conscious decisions about how I’m going to dress for myself.
I don’t wear ties to work, but I do like to wear shirts. I mean oxfords or another button-down. I like to wear oxfords at play too, but sometimes I like to wear short-sleeved tropical print shirts or t‑shirts. Actually, t‑shirts as a standalone clothing item have been disappearing from my dressing habits of late.
So here’s a first stab at what I need to own to have “enough” clothing.
- 3 white long-sleeved button-down collared shirts
- 3 solid colored long-sleeved button-down collared shirts
- 3 tropical print patterned short-sleeved button-down collared shirts
- 2 sweaters
- 4 pairs dress slacks
- 2 pairs khakis/casual slacks
- 2 pairs jeans
- 2 pairs cargo shorts
- 3 white t‑shirts
- 3 white tank tees
- 3 solid dark t‑shirts
- 3 solid dark pocket tees
- 3 solid dark tank tees
- 3 band/logo tees
- 6 pair boxers
- 3 pair briefs
- black shoes
- brown shoes
- running shoes
Seems like a lot of t‑shirts, actually. But I know I’ve probably got at least three times as many as that. Arrgh.
I think it all depends on
I think it all depends on your access to a washer and dryer. I’ve tried to trim my clothes collection down, since I lost weight and had to keep buying new clothes. Luckily, since I have my own washer and dryer in the house I can skimp a bit on clothes.
I’m looking forward to when I finally get my weight where it’s going to stay. Then I can go splurge on clothes, but by then I’ll probably be used to 2 oxfords, 3 t‑shirts, 2 khakis, one jeans, one cargo pant, etc. 🙂