Mmm, rice
There are 23 working days in October. Eleven have passed, and twelve remain. That means that tomorrow is “hump day” for the month. Of course, I have just two more days in the office and then I get two entire days off. it’s this strange thing called a “weekend” that was entirely meaningless to me as a consultant, but now has become a precious little window to freedom.
Also, here’s a news flash: the winner of the Mister Unreliable contest for the past twenty years running has a 100% on-time record in his new employment. OK, so it’s not like a big deal for most people to show up by 9am every day, even for periods longer than eleven days. Still, it’s a nice sign of progress and proof that it is in fact possible for me to be on-time regularly.
Twice I’ve cut it close — today I walked in the door of my office at 8:58am — but both times I’ve cut it so close were days that I worked out at the gym before work. So tonight I’m turning my alarm clocks back another 20 minutes to try to give me more leeway so that I can work out in the morning.
This is important because even if I’m turning into Mister Reliability, I’m also turning into Mister Blimp. This morning’s weigh-in creaked in at 195lbs. Which means that I’ve put back on forty of the fifty pounds I lost two years ago. I am, as they say, such a big fat fuck that when I walk down the street people say, “God DAMN that guy’s a BIG FAT FUCK.”
Ah well, gotta run. It’s ten minutes past my bedtime already, and I haven’t changed my bedtime to reflect the earlier wakeup call. Must take rice off the stove and get some sleep.
Congratulations on the
Congratulations on the attendance record.
I’ve shifted my diet a bit lately and lost some weight. Rice and steamed vegetables are a big part of it. Also steamed greens, like beet greens, arugula, watercress. Those are mmmm, tasty.
Now I feel responsible for
Now I feel responsible for your weight gain!!!! It was that night I took you to dinner. I’m sorry. 🙂
But, congratulations on the reliability thing. I know how important that is to you and I’m happy it’s going well, one day at a time. 🙂
Somehow BIG FAT FUCK sounds
Somehow BIG FAT FUCK sounds hot to me. 😉
Damn, if I weighed 195, I’d
Damn, if I weighed 195, I’d be feeling goooood.
BIG FAT FUCK sounding hot to
BIG FAT FUCK sounding hot to you sounds hot to me…