Mick-Mak-Fizzlebrack oopy-moopy mao mao!
More stuff guaranteed not to make sense to many.
I have a resentment though: There’s that damn three-digit user number. That only happened because Rat Head’s userlist was lost while I was on the East Coast and when I went through the whole signup procedure again everyone else had already signed back up.
STILL pissed off that I ended up with a three-digit user number. =^)
Somehow, The Hollow kept the
Somehow, The Hollow kept the same user file, without defragging it, the entire time. I was always user # 869.
I was a little OCD about defrag my user files, I think I did it every 3 months or so. Had to, with Telegard; it wasn’t the most stable bit out there.
Maximus rocked, though — OS/2 and DOS versions! I ran the OS/2 version for a LONG time until I finally decided to load Windows on the BBS machine and do the web thing.