Thank you, littlecritter
Meme from littlecritter
1) What’s the middle name of first person you slept with?: Beth
2) What kind of underwear are you wearing, and what color are they?: Green 7‑Up Boxers
3) What song do you want played at your funeral?: Bob Dylan’s Death Is Not The End, as performed by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
4) What is the number of your sluttiest friend so that some of your single friends can get some action?: I wish I knew. I am my single friend.
5) What would your last meal be before being executed?: Sushi and Diet Coke
6) Beatles or Stones?: Beatles. Deciding factor? Helter Skelter
9) What is the thing most important to you about the preferred sex?: I have no idea anymore.
10) Do you secretly hate some of your friends but are too nice to reject them?: No, I secretly like most of my friends but am not nice enough to actually spend time with them.
11) If you could have any superpower, what would it be?: Total invulnerability. I was thinking flight, but I think that if I could handle any impact without being damaged, I’d have some of the benefit of flight. Elevator too slow? Try the window? Yeah, that would be cool.
12) Favorite hangover cure?: Not taking the first drink.
13) How many drinks does it take to get you drunk?: True cliché time: One is too much but a dozen is just getting me warmed up.
17) Do you have any psychiatric problems?: Several, but if I admit to it that’s a “pre-existing condition” and I’ll never be able to get any medical coverage in this country.
21) First movie you remember seeing as a kid?: I think Paper Moon at the drive-in
22) Favorite person in the whole world?: Probably
23) When’s the last time you went on a date?: January (yes, of this year). And I hope it wasn’t the last time.
26) Person you most wish you hadn’t made out with?: Michele. That just wasn’t right and I kept on anyway.
27) If you are straight, what person of the same sex would you do it with?: Sam’s new boyfriend David. (nice catch, d00d!)
30) If you could date any celebrity, past or present, time and age are not a factor.. Janet LaValley
Damn. I didn’t even know the
Damn. I didn’t even know the last name. I’d probably forget the first one too if it wasn’t odd.
1) What’s the middle name of
1) What’s the middle name of first person you slept with?: GEORGE
2) What kind of underwear are you wearing, and what color are they?: BLACK THONGS
3) What song do you want played at your funeral?: Changes everyday but today my choice would be — PRETTY NOOSE by SOUNDGARDEN
4) What is the number of your sluttiest friend so that some of your single friends can get some action?: I’M MY SLUTTIEST FRIEND. HAHA!
5) What would your last meal be before being executed?: STEAK MEDIUM RARE AND LOTS OF ROAST GARLIC
6) Beatles or Stones?: BEATLES
10) Do you secretly hate some of your friends but are too nice to reject them?: NO. I SECRETLY LUST AFTER MY FRIENDS BUT AM TOO SCARED TO ADMIT IT.
11) If you could have any superpower, what would it be?: THE POWER TO MORPH INTO ANY AND EVERYTHING.
12) Favorite hangover cure?: FRUIT JUICE.
13) How many drinks does it take to get you drunk?: SIX SHOTS OF TEQUILA.
21) First movie you remember seeing as a kid? YIKES! THE CHAMP.
Oh wait, so YOU’RE my
Oh wait, so YOU’RE my sluttiest friend? What’s your number?