Thank you, littlecritter

Meme from lit­tle­crit­ter

1) What’s the mid­dle name of first per­son you slept with?: Beth

2) What kind of under­wear are you wear­ing, and what col­or are they?: Green 7‑Up Boxers

3) What song do you want played at your funer­al?: Bob Dylan’s Death Is Not The End, as per­formed by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds

4) What is the num­ber of your slut­ti­est friend so that some of your sin­gle friends can get some action?: I wish I knew. I am my sin­gle friend.

5) What would your last meal be before being exe­cut­ed?: Sushi and Diet Coke

6) Bea­t­les or Stones?: Bea­t­les. Decid­ing fac­tor? Hel­ter Skelter

9) What is the thing most impor­tant to you about the pre­ferred sex?: I have no idea anymore.

10) Do you secret­ly hate some of your friends but are too nice to reject them?: No, I secret­ly like most of my friends but am not nice enough to actu­al­ly spend time with them.

11) If you could have any super­pow­er, what would it be?: Total invul­ner­a­bil­i­ty. I was think­ing flight, but I think that if I could han­dle any impact with­out being dam­aged, I’d have some of the ben­e­fit of flight. Ele­va­tor too slow? Try the win­dow? Yeah, that would be cool.

12) Favorite hang­over cure?: Not tak­ing the first drink.

13) How many drinks does it take to get you drunk?: True cliché time: One is too much but a dozen is just get­ting me warmed up.

17) Do you have any psy­chi­atric prob­lems?: Sev­er­al, but if I admit to it that’s a “pre-exist­ing con­di­tion” and I’ll nev­er be able to get any med­ical cov­er­age in this country.

21) First movie you remem­ber see­ing as a kid?: I think Paper Moon at the drive-in

22) Favorite per­son in the whole world?: Prob­a­bly , unless Ozzy counts as a per­son. Sor­ry, Dave, Ozzy’s even cool­er than you.

23) When’s the last time you went on a date?: Jan­u­ary (yes, of this year). And I hope it was­n’t the last time.

26) Per­son you most wish you had­n’t made out with?: Michele. That just was­n’t right and I kept on anyway.

27) If you are straight, what per­son of the same sex would you do it with?: Sam’s new boyfriend David. (nice catch, d00d!)

30) If you could date any celebri­ty, past or present, time and age are not a fac­tor.. Janet LaValley

3 Replies to “Thank you, littlecritter”

  1. 1) What’s the mid­dle name of
    1) What’s the mid­dle name of first per­son you slept with?: GEORGE

    2) What kind of under­wear are you wear­ing, and what col­or are they?: BLACK THONGS

    3) What song do you want played at your funer­al?: Changes every­day but today my choice would be — PRETTY NOOSE by SOUNDGARDEN

    4) What is the num­ber of your slut­ti­est friend so that some of your sin­gle friends can get some action?: I’M MY SLUTTIEST FRIEND. HAHA!

    5) What would your last meal be before being exe­cut­ed?: STEAK MEDIUM RARE AND LOTS OF ROAST GARLIC

    6) Bea­t­les or Stones?: BEATLES

    10) Do you secret­ly hate some of your friends but are too nice to reject them?: NO. I SECRETLY LUST AFTER MY FRIENDS BUT AM TOO SCARED TO ADMIT IT.

    11) If you could have any super­pow­er, what would it be?: THE POWER TO MORPH INTO ANY AND EVERYTHING.

    12) Favorite hang­over cure?: FRUIT JUICE.

    13) How many drinks does it take to get you drunk?: SIX SHOTS OF TEQUILA.

    21) First movie you remem­ber see­ing as a kid? YIKES! THE CHAMP.

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