New Tunez
Got some new CDs yesterday:
ShangoJuno Reactor
Defenders of the FaithJudas Priest
For me, getting music can be a little like some people describe buying porn or condoms. It’s OK if I have a few other items, but even then I’m a little nervous about people seeing what I have. Maybe it’s because I pride myself on my eclectic tastes, it just seems like if I go and buy some Madonna or Judas Priest (hell, even Juno Reactorhis stuff is all over the Matrix soundtracks. How much more mainstream can you get?). Which is why I don’t go to Tower very much. It’s not that I’m opposed to big disgusting corporate stores. I eat at Burger King sometimes, so BFD. No, it’s like there is nothing I can buy in those places that won’t peg me as a demographic.
«Oh, it’s an alterna-rocker»
«Oh, it’s an 80s metal poseur»
«Oh, it’s a pop music fan»
«Oh, he’s into electronica»
and I’m imagining the eyes rolling with every item. If I can be categorized, I’m automatically lame. Even buying the Residents makes me some kind of art-skool parody of myself. So if I can help it, I’ll only let people catch me buying/listening to Conrad Schnitzler, Nash the Slash, or Sun Ra. Oh, and Nick Cave. If he can be unashamed about loving Jesus Christ when his entire fan base is nihilistic atheists, I can bring Nick Cave to the register. But that’s my only act of courage.
Even that makes me basically just a cartoon character. Look at that! If a musician hasn’t appeared in a Matt Howarth comic, I won’t listen to them.
I’m just another sheep. I just pretend that I have better taste in music than you.
Well, you must have better
Well, you must have better taste in music since I don’t know any of the people you mentioned. Share a link sometime, I’d love to hear something. Or burn me your most ecclectic CD you can think of. Yah, I’m a “gimme gimme bitch” sometimes.
But, I know what you mean. For example. I worked my ass till like 8 last nite. Thought, shit, gotta be at the airport to pick someone up in 2 hours, what to do? So I ran to the gym to at least get 30 minutes of cardio in and “veg” out people watching. I finished about 8:45 and remembered I still didn’t eat. Oh well. I need to get out a bit. So I ran to Borders.
Here’s where my “I know what you mean” statement comes in. I love to look at magazines. Sometimes I buy one worthy of a good bathroom read, but often times I scan for something different or interesting. The mags I always go to:
* Tattoos (I’m always facinated)
* Gay / Alternative lifestyles (Once again, facinated)
* Fashion or Current Events
* Music
* Maxim, FHM, etc. (I get the “look”)
And for one thing, people are always hiding what mags they look at. Like I give a fuck. Read what you want, just don’t judge me for what I read. And yeah, I sometimes look at hairstyle magazines or 17, I like to see what the latest shit is goin on. Or a pregnancy magazine, I’m not prego, but who cares.
AND, the worst, is someone who wants to strike up a conversation BASED on the mag I’m wearing. It’s like, um, please don’t announce to the bookstore that I’m checkin out “Black Lesbians who Crochet.” That’s my business. I had a guy follow me from the mag section where I was checking out tattoos, to the Erotica section where I was reading how to have a 24-hour orgasm. Fuck…give it a rest.
Sorry for ranting in your journal.
*smiles* Good morning.
You are perfectly welcome to
You are perfectly welcome to rant in response to my rants. Please stop apologizing for it.
I think I will make a “Sonic Curiosity” mix CD for you, comprised entirely of artists found in Matt Howarth comix. Or maybe I’ll just throw some random stuff together to freak you out.
I’ll have something put together by the time you get back from SoCal.
Yay for me!
Yay for me!
I love being freaked out. In good ways.
Did you find someone for your thingy tomorrow nite? Have fun regardless.
I can’t believe you got porn
I can’t believe you got porn spam in your live journal. Did you put cam-girls in your interests or something?
Dunno, but I think that’s
Dunno, but I think that’s just about the end of anonymous posting here at splicer.com. Between that and the death threats, I just don’t have time to go chasing after people by their IP addresses and then have nothing I can do to them anyhow.
yeah, I was gonna say the
yeah, I was gonna say the same thing. Want me to kick her ass for you?
At least you’re still buying
At least you’re still buying new stuff. Somebody asked for favorite songs of this year and I couldn’t think of any.
Well, actually, Shango is a
Well, actually, Shango is a 2000 release, The Madonna CD is from 1992, and the Judas Priest was 1984. The Nash the Slash recordings I bought recently were from the late 70s and early 80s. I probably couldn’t name a single song or album released in 2003 (not without cheating and naming a movie soundtrack as an album). I’m really out of touch that way.
“So if I can help it, I’ll
“So if I can help it, I’ll only let people catch me buying/listening to Conrad Schnitzler, Nash the Slash, or Sun Ra.”
Oh, it’s a timid contrarian. 🙂