I learned something tonight
It is possible to shower, shave, do laundry, write a couple pages longhand, get dressed, and make it to the other side of town in two hours, if properly motivated.
Hanging out at the Cat Club was fun. Did a little bit of dancing, enough to momentarily break the spell of danceflooraphobia. Then went with K. to Union Square to see the lights and rode the Cablecar up to Fisherman’s Wharf just for the heck of it. I have my December pass already, so I gave her my November one and we rode for free. Went to In-n-Out for shakes and then took the Hyde Street line back to Nob Hill where we took a taxi back to K.‘s car.
I’m glad I got out of my funk long enough to call her. I doubt I could have had that great of an evening if I’d just gone out on my own.