Mom Thinks I Should Write

Apolo­gies to marlowe1 for men­tion­ing this, because no one should ever be encour­aged to write, right? but my moth­er, out of the blue today, told me that she wish­es I would write more. Not write to her more, but that I should try to get published.

It’s easy to dis­miss her because she sees what­ev­er writ­ing she’s seen through moth­er’s eyes. But my moth­er has actu­al­ly been pub­lished, so I have some respect for her opin­ion. And my step­fa­ther says so too, and he was a broad­cast jour­nal­ist for decades before he moved to the coun­try and switched to being a press liai­son. xanadu­too has said sim­i­lar things, and I thor­ough­ly admire his abil­i­ty to write clear­ly and hold the read­er’s inter­est, even about dif­fi­cult top­ics. I’ve edit­ed his work and have seen some of his faults as a writer and I’m still in awe of his ability.

My moth­er said she want­ed me to know because she thought I did­n’t know. And she’s right. This isn’t any “who me?” false mod­esty; I take some pride in my my abil­i­ty to express myself with the Eng­lish lan­guage. I fig­ure it’s the least I can do since I don’t know any oth­er lan­guages. But I don’t har­bor any illu­sions that I can swim with the peo­ple that have made the writ­ten word their vocation.

It’s more just that I don’t know what makes a good writer and I don’t pay much atten­tion to it. I start sen­tences with “It’s more just that…” which I’d total­ly edit out if I were edit­ing. “Total­ly,” too.

So what is it that makes a good writer? Why do oth­er­wise intel­li­gent peo­ple mis­take me for one? Should I think about get­ting pub­lished some­where oth­er than Pig­dog? When my moth­er says, “why not?” I can’t answer her, but I have the sus­pi­cion that the peo­ple out there who actu­al­ly are writ­ers, who put effort into their word­smithing, might have the answer to “why not?”

So now marlowe1, I guess that’s your cue: I’ve got­ten the poi­so­nous encour­age­ment. Now you get to dis­cour­age me. Run with it.

Rudolph The Space Deer—Mark Moth­ers­baugh

One Reply to “Mom Thinks I Should Write”

  1. The best writ­ing, in my
    The best writ­ing, in my opin­ion, sub­con­scious­ly con­nects with the read­er. Any­one can write a gram­mat­i­cal­ly cor­rect sentence.

    Here’s a crazy, geek metaphor that makes sense in my twist­ed mind…Good writ­ing is like the “mem­o­ry crys­tals” in the Fortress of Soli­tude, from the Super­man movies. Bran­do is long dead by the time Super­man gets to know him, yet they are able to have a dialog.

    That is the feel­ing I get when I read some­thing that moves me- the feel­ing of hav­ing a con­ver­sa­tion with the author. The tran­scen­dent beau­ty of lit­er­a­ture is its abil­i­ty to project that con­ver­sa­tion across space and time. 

    It’s a bal­ance issue, undoubt­ed­ly. The writer should project his ideas strong­ly enough to evoke a response, but not so strong­ly that he crowds out the read­er. As a read­er, I want to have room enough for my own inter­pre­ta­tion of the writer’s message.

    …But what do I know, anyway?

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