Forgot about a $255 debit card payment I authorized last month. I’ve been doing my planning based on this misconception and now I’ve got about a hundred bucks left until my next paycheck which probably won’t arrive for another ten days.
That’s not the end of the world. Basically that means $50 for groceries and $5/day for everything else over the next 10 days. I’ve certainly lived on less, but you know, if I’d remembered the payment for my trainer and planned around it, I wouldn’t have ordered that Battlestar Galactica DVD boxed set that should be arriving early next week.
The upside is that my rent was paid on time this month, and all of my bills have been paid except for two that arrived recently and aren’t due until after my next check comes in. All in all I’m OK. I have a monthly pass for the bus and if I’m itching for entertainment I have a bunch of books I haven’t read and a gym membership that’s paid through April.
Still, remind me not to do this to myself again, OK?
i had a minor panic attack
i had a minor panic attack because for 2 days here in Argentina I had no money — poor planning is all. It worked out eventually, BUT I was regressing into thoughts of being a major FUCK UP if you know what I mean.
I hate that.
It hasn´t happened in so long but when it does, I am right back there — still a junkie.…
-Reminds him-
-Reminds him-