By Your Command
My Battlestar Galactica DVD boxed set arrived this morning. Very exciting. It’s almost worth not eating this week.
dracunculus and I are going to start watching from the beginning tomorrow night. She’s never seen any Battlestar Galactica and she’s in for a treat.
Of course, my memories of it are from when I was nine. So it could totally suck. Who knows?
I keep on having my own personal version of Bauhaus’ Nerves running through my head. Instead of “Nerves like nylon/Nerves like steel” it’s “Nerds like cylons/Nerds like Peel” where the “Peel” is Mrs. Peel from the Avengers. Nerds do in fact tend to like both.
Of course it totally sucks.
Of course it totally sucks. I thought that was the point.
Yeah I remember very little
Yeah I remember very little Battlestar Galactica too, except that it had the guy from the A‑Team and also the dog thing, which I guess was a orangutan in a suit.