Stood up again
Last Friday I had an appointment with my trainer at 6 a.m. I got to the gym at around 5:15 a.m. and stretched out and did a quick run on the treadmill while I waited for him.
When he hadn’t appeared by twenty minutes after six, I asked to have him called at home. There he was, sleeping in. He’s been late before, and he gave me a free session for being ten minutes late recently.
So he apologized and arranged to meet me at 1 p.m. on Sunday instead. So today I arrived at noon, in time to get my stretching and warm-ups done. I saw Chris, my trainer, on the way in and waved. He waved back, so I know he saw me there too.
I only had 20 minutes for cardio, so I upped the intensity from my regular runs and did two miles in sixteen minutes plus a four-minute cooldown. Total 2.25 miles in 20 minutes.
Having finished up, I went to the locker room to put away my music and the stretching diagrams. When I went back to the office again, he was nowhere to be seen. After paging him, the desk called his cellphone.
Turns out that he thought we were meeting Monday at 1 p.m. That wouldn’t work for me, since I’m working tomorrow. (I’m unhappy about that, but that’s a subject for another post). So he apologized again and rescheduled for tomorrow at 6 a.m. and I went on to have a workout without him.
I don’t like to waste emotional energy on anger, but instead I will have to make it clear that blowing me off is not acceptable.
So, at least I got to the gym today. Did a little running, some miscellaneous weights, and oh yeah! I swam. 12 laps, which by my calculations is 1/100th of the distance I need to swim to do Escape from Alcatraz next year. Good thing I have a little over seventeen months to train.
I think if the pool is 25
I think if the pool is 25 yards or even meters, you swam about 1/5th of the distance. 12 laps = about 600 yards. A quarter mile is 440 and there are 6 quater miles in the mile and a half.
How long did it take you? I’ve been swimming twice a week myself recently.
Did I do my math wrong? I
Did I do my math wrong? I was figuring it out while resting at the end of the pool, so it wouldn’t surprise me if I slipped a digit or something.
First, I was thinking 3.5 miles. Don’t know why. 1.5 is a lot less daunting. A mile and a half is a little over 2400 meters, and the pool is only 22.5 meters, or 45 meters across and back (I’ve been calling that a lap; don’t know what “real swimmers” do). 12 laps is 540 meters, so wow! Yeah, that’s actually more than a fifth. More like 2/9ths!
Of course, There are still a number of differences: I swim and rest and swim and rest. It’s not like I’ve covered that distance swimming directly. Also, it’s gonna be cold and choppy.
I haven’t been timing myself. I’m still trying to learn to breathe. I’ve gotten to where I can go a lap and a half without stopping to breathe, but I haven’t gotten up to two laps yet. Part of my problem is that I want to go fast, and that burns more oxygen, and I get burned out fast. Then I get panicked when I’m running out of oxygen and I start pushing harder, which burns the oxygen even faster.
I had been breathing in on one side and then putting my head under and breathing out as fast as I could so that I could take my next breath, but I’ve been trying holding my breath in to let my lungs have a chance to take in the oxygen. It seems to work best if I exhale very slowly and continuously after gulping in air.
I wish I had someone to teach me to swim. This figuring it out myself is for the birds.
Er. Fish, I mean.
it would be a good idea to
it would be a good idea to learn the basic crawl stroke. You don’t have to breathe every stroke. You can breathe on one side and then breathe 3 strokes later on the other side. Or breathe every 4 strokes on the same side. It’s really about getting the right rhythm and the endurance will come.
I wouldn’t worry about how the water is going to be in a year and half. Just work on learning the proper swimming technique and building endurance. You won’t be as intimidated later once you’ve got that.
Yeah, I started trying to
Yeah, I started trying to breathe on the opposite side three strokes later, but as I exhale more slowly, I’ve been just breathing whenever I get done exhaling, regardless of the side. I want to develop a rhythm, but first I have to find what feels good so I can get into the right rhythm.
And yeah, I’ve seen a lot of progress. The first time I got into the pool I did two and a half laps and stopped and my accomplishment for the day was reaching the other side without stopping for just one half lap. Yesterday I did twelve laps and my best was to go a lap and a half without stopping to rest. So I’ve just got to stay with it and it’ll come. Seventeen months is a long time.
I think this year I need to do more athletic events. Like maybe a century ride. And maybe B2B or something. That’s a pretty easy run, right?
Bay to Breakers is really
Bay to Breakers is really easy.. though you can’t really do much running for the first mile till it spreads out. What is the date? I might be up for that too.
I swam 1/2 mile in 19:45 today (felt great) and ran about 3.3 miles in 30 minutes yesterday.
B2B is May
B2B is May 16th
And you know, I don’t have too much of a problem with walking a mile and then running six and a half. I’m not good enough to qualify for even a non-seeded start, so that’s how it would have to be.
damn. I’m probably not
damn. I’m probably not going to be in town for that weekend. Crazy enough I already have plans for every weekend in May AND June.