Rachel’s Appearance on Mural Restored
I’m happy to report that Rachel Corrie’s image on the mural on the front of the Latino Newspaper offices at 23rd and Mission has been restored. Some vandal had kicked a hole in the image of her face, and the hole remained unrepaired for several months. Last night I was in the neighborhood and saw that not only has the hole been repaired, but Rachel’s image has been repainted in its original place next to the image of Ché Guevara. It looks like the artist found a better photo of Rachel; the painting is much better than the original.
Next week if it’s still intact when I go by, I’ll try to get a picture. I was sad that I didn’t get a photo of the original before it was defaced.
In related news, Israeli settlers are now feeling the pain of the IDF’s use of military bulldozers to solve problems: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3413929.stm I suppose there’s a certain logic to knocking down buildings to clear an area rather than clearing an area in preparation for knocking down the buildings, but I remain convinced that using bulldozer demolition as a military tactic is ill-advised.