Q&A from rustymetal770
1.) Do you believe in the supernatural, and if so, do you follow any particular religion? How have your beliefs changed over the years?
I do not believe in the possibility of the supernatural. I believe that there are things that are beyond my understanding, but I don’t for a moment doubt that they are a part of the natural order of the Universe. There is more under Heaven and Earth than lies within my philosophy, Horatio, but being outside my philosophy or yours doesn’t make it unnatural.
My beliefs are probably best described as pantheist or animist. I was baptised as a Congregationalist but received only the vaguest of religious instruction growing up. I was an atheist for several years and discovered the Tao Te Ching one night when I did too much acid when I was 20. I got my own copy the very next day and have kept it with me on a daily basis since.
When I was 25 I had a miraculous occurrence that I cannot explain and almost simultaneously was introduced to the idea that any idea of God was OK except to believe that I am It.
When I was 28 I began attending Episcopal services on occasion, although I still don’t consider myself to be a Christian. At about that same time I began sitting with a Soto Zen Buddhist teacher. I haven’t been formally practicing in either of those paths in a couple years, but I consider myself a disciple of Buddha for the purposes of observing the Ten Grave Precepts.
I believe in taking refuge in Dharma; that life and the life lesson are not separable and that the only comfort from our suffering comes from the refuges of the enlightened being that speaks within us, our community, and in the suffering itself. Accepting suffering can ease suffering.
2.) What is the one song you identify with at this moment?
Citizen? by Nash the Slash.
3.) Besides Elvis, Jesus, Einstein or John Lennon, what person(s), living or dead, would you like to have a conversation with?
Probably Abe Lincoln. That guy seemed to actually get it, for the most part. I think I could learn a lot from him.
4.) Do you believe in True Love? What does True Love mean to you?
True Love is recognizing the connectedness and interdependence between ourselves to the extent that one desires for the other’s well-being the way that one yearns for one’s own well-being. I believe in true love. I don’t know if I believe in romantic love.
5.) If you could be anything “when you grow up” (anything physically possible), what would it be? Are you pursuing that career? If not, why the hell not?
I just want to draw pretty pictures all day. Instead I program computers.
6.) What are you passionate about?
Not much anymore. I’m pretty low-key and boring.
7.) What is your favorite word? Least favorite word?
Paroxysm. What a cool word that is.
8.) Where is the one place you’d like to visit before you die? When are you going? We’re not promised tomorrow, you know.
9.) Do you believe dogs have souls?
10.) What’s the best cure for unrequited love?
There is no “cure.” There are only two ways to go from unrequited love: to denial of the love or to a truer definition of love. If I want that person to be truly happy, and the best way for that person to be happy is to be with someone other than me, then I want that person to be with that someone else. Or else it’s not unrequited love, it’s unrequited desire.
Unfortunately, the two sometimes go together.