Big shout out to the whiny bitches of the left wing

Yeah, I mean all the ones who were say­ing the sky was gonna fall if that fas­cist moth­er­fuck­er Gavin New­som were elect­ed may­or of San Francisco.

Well, I hope he’s done a good enough job of prov­ing him­self to be just anoth­er stooge of the Repub­li­cans. Right on, man.

I hon­est­ly don’t believe Gon­za­les would have had the balls. I liked Gon­za­les a lot, but I don’t think he could have pulled it off.

Seri­ous­ly, I’m so filled with civic pride, I wan­na go out and get mar­ried to a guy. I rec­og­nize that as a Bad Idea, so I think I’ll have to set­tle for my “San Fran­cis­co” tattoo.

Con­trol—Traci Lords

8 Replies to “Big shout out to the whiny bitches of the left wing”

  1. But there’s real­ly no
    But there’s real­ly no know­ing whether Gon­za­les would or would­n’t have been able to do the same thing. 

    Even with New­som doing good, I feel like Gon­za­les would have done even more.

  2. Well, I know I said I did­n’t
    Well, I know I said I did­n’t think he would have the balls for it, so let me backpedal. Gon­za­les has a lot going for him, but some­times it takes the main­stream guy to pull off the rad­i­cal shit. New­som knows that he’s got a lot of peo­ple watch­ing his back and he can make his plays from a posi­tion of pow­er because he’s the estab­lish­ment guy in a lot of ways. And what he’s got to prove is that he’s will­ing to go the mile to do the right thing. I think Gon­za­les would have had to spend a lot more time keep­ing his ass cov­ered and I don’t think he could be effec­tive the same way.

    Obvi­ous­ly we’ll nev­er know; it’s a what-if ques­tion. But I have the feel­ing that Gon­za­les would have tried a lot more and hit a lot more resistance.

  3. It’s “Gon­za­lez.”
    And as a

    It’s “Gon­za­lez.”

    And as a whiny bitch of the left wing, I receive your ‘shout out’, and find it to be strange­ly accusato­ry and pred­i­cat­ed upon some weird assump­tions, and decline to issue any direc­tion­al exhor­ta­tion in response.

  4. Sor­ry, i just get real­ly
    Sor­ry, i just get real­ly scared some­times when I find that the peo­ple I share a moral ori­en­ta­tion with tend to be fuck­ing idiots. Then I get smacked by peo­ple like you and who make me look like an idiot by com­par­i­son. I should learn some­thing from that, but I prob­a­bly won’t.

    My only semi­le­git­i­mate gripe is the lev­el at which lib­er­als often try to make it sound like the world is com­ing to an end if their can­di­date isn’t the one. And that annoys me. It real­ly fuck­ing annoys me. Prob­a­bly right wingers do the same thing, but I’m nev­er around any of those. Actu­al­ly, when I have been, they usu­al­ly gripe about “lib­er­al media bias” instead of call­ing the slight­ly clos­er-to-cen­ter can­di­date a fascist.

    Matt G. is a smart guy and SF is lucky to have him in SF pol­i­tics. I wish I’d spelled his name right, ’cause he deserves bet­ter than that.

  5. My only semi­le­git­i­mate gripe
    My only semi­le­git­i­mate gripe is the lev­el at which lib­er­als often try to make it sound like the world is com­ing to an end if their can­di­date isn’t the one.

    I was real­ly wor­ried about New­som. He was always one of the most con­ser­v­a­tive super­vi­sors, and he had exten­sive ties to the cor­rupt Brown orga­ni­za­tion. He did­n’t ease my fears any by cut­ting a series of sleazy deals dur­ing his cam­paign (for instance the whole Angela Alioto thing).

    And at the same time I was VERY excit­ed about Matt, see­ing him as a rare blend of ide­al­ism and integri­ty with lev­el-head­ed fis­cal respon­si­bil­i­ty. His record as Pres­i­dent of the Board of Super­vi­sors was near­ly unassailable.

    Matt has been get­ting a lot of things done in his tenure as a supe. He was also *very near­ly* elect­ed may­or, despite being out­spent ten-to-one and opposed by the full force of the Demo­c­ra­t­ic machine. I find it pret­ty weird that you’d accuse him of being ineffective.

    That said, New­som has been a tru­ly excel­lent may­or so far. And if he shows as much lead­er­ship and integri­ty for the rest of his term as he has in the begin­ning of it, I will vote for him for re-elec­tion, even if my boy Matt Gon­za­lez runs against him.

    But I very firm­ly think that New­som is a bet­ter may­or because Gon­za­lez gath­ered so much sup­port. The stand on gay mar­riage is just fab­u­lous, and New­som will right­ly go down in his­to­ry books for that alone; but he has also made a series of very wise appoint­ments to key posts, appoint­ments that might have been used to reward his sup­port­ers in typ­i­cal sleazy back­room-politcs style: and that HAD to have some­thing to do with the fact that he knows Gon­za­lez is watch­ing him. As pres­i­dent of the board of supes and with the demon­stra­ble sup­port of near­ly half the city, Gon­za­lez still has a lot of pow­er. New­som is now forced to build bridges to the more lib­er­al con­tin­gent of the city; and he can’t con­duct busi­ness the way Willie Brown used to.

    So, if you’re ask­ing me if I’m sor­ry for sup­port­ing Gon­za­lez so strong­ly, the answer is no, no, no.

    If you’re ask­ing me if I’m hap­py with New­som as may­or, the answer is yes, yes, yes.

  6. I would­n’t ask you to
    I would­n’t ask you to apol­o­gize for sup­port­ing Gon­za­lez. I think we had a rare thing last elec­tion: two excel­lent can­di­dates. Admit­ted­ly excel­lent for dif­fer­ent rea­sons, but I had a lot of trou­ble mak­ing up my mind. I like Matt Gon­za­lez a lot. I vot­ed for him right before I moved out of Dis­trict… whichev­er dis­trict it is he represents.

    And you know, maybe Gavin is gonna turn around and be the sleaze­ball that the “sky is falling” con­tin­gent says he is. Who knows what the future holds?

    As far as the “inef­fec­tive” charge, that’s my pre­dic­tion of a sce­nario that did­n’t hap­pen, not my assess­ment of his track record. I think the same peo­ple that are watch­ing Gav­in’s back when he goes out on a limb now would be stab­bing Matt in the back and he’d have to play the same game Gavin appears to be, except he would­n’t be appeas­ing the more lib­er­al crowd, he’d have to appease the con­ser­v­a­tive ele­ments. I think that would keep him so busy that he would­n’t get the lat­i­tude that Gav­in’s been play­ing with.

  7. Exact­ly.
    You just know that


    You just know that if there’s gonna be some­one oth­er than a white male elect­ed to the Pres­i­den­cy, it’s gonna be a Repub­li­can. It’s all about the crossover, baby.

    To coin a phrase: “what incred­i­ble irony!”

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