Big shout out to the whiny bitches of the left wing
Yeah, I mean all the ones who were saying the sky was gonna fall if that fascist motherfucker Gavin Newsom were elected mayor of San Francisco.
Well, I hope he’s done a good enough job of proving himself to be just another stooge of the Republicans. Right on, man.
I honestly don’t believe Gonzales would have had the balls. I liked Gonzales a lot, but I don’t think he could have pulled it off.
Seriously, I’m so filled with civic pride, I wanna go out and get married to a guy. I recognize that as a Bad Idea, so I think I’ll have to settle for my “San Francisco” tattoo.
But there’s really no
But there’s really no knowing whether Gonzales would or wouldn’t have been able to do the same thing.
Even with Newsom doing good, I feel like Gonzales would have done even more.
Well, I know I said I didn’t
Well, I know I said I didn’t think he would have the balls for it, so let me backpedal. Gonzales has a lot going for him, but sometimes it takes the mainstream guy to pull off the radical shit. Newsom knows that he’s got a lot of people watching his back and he can make his plays from a position of power because he’s the establishment guy in a lot of ways. And what he’s got to prove is that he’s willing to go the mile to do the right thing. I think Gonzales would have had to spend a lot more time keeping his ass covered and I don’t think he could be effective the same way.
Obviously we’ll never know; it’s a what-if question. But I have the feeling that Gonzales would have tried a lot more and hit a lot more resistance.
It’s “Gonzalez.”
And as a
It’s “Gonzalez.”
And as a whiny bitch of the left wing, I receive your ‘shout out’, and find it to be strangely accusatory and predicated upon some weird assumptions, and decline to issue any directional exhortation in response.
Sorry, i just get really who make me look like an idiot by comparison. I should learn something from that, but I probably won’t.
Sorry, i just get really scared sometimes when I find that the people I share a moral orientation with tend to be fucking idiots. Then I get smacked by people like you and
My only semilegitimate gripe is the level at which liberals often try to make it sound like the world is coming to an end if their candidate isn’t the one. And that annoys me. It really fucking annoys me. Probably right wingers do the same thing, but I’m never around any of those. Actually, when I have been, they usually gripe about “liberal media bias” instead of calling the slightly closer-to-center candidate a fascist.
Matt G. is a smart guy and SF is lucky to have him in SF politics. I wish I’d spelled his name right, ’cause he deserves better than that.
My only semilegitimate gripe
My only semilegitimate gripe is the level at which liberals often try to make it sound like the world is coming to an end if their candidate isn’t the one.
I was really worried about Newsom. He was always one of the most conservative supervisors, and he had extensive ties to the corrupt Brown organization. He didn’t ease my fears any by cutting a series of sleazy deals during his campaign (for instance the whole Angela Alioto thing).
And at the same time I was VERY excited about Matt, seeing him as a rare blend of idealism and integrity with level-headed fiscal responsibility. His record as President of the Board of Supervisors was nearly unassailable.
Matt has been getting a lot of things done in his tenure as a supe. He was also *very nearly* elected mayor, despite being outspent ten-to-one and opposed by the full force of the Democratic machine. I find it pretty weird that you’d accuse him of being ineffective.
That said, Newsom has been a truly excellent mayor so far. And if he shows as much leadership and integrity for the rest of his term as he has in the beginning of it, I will vote for him for re-election, even if my boy Matt Gonzalez runs against him.
But I very firmly think that Newsom is a better mayor because Gonzalez gathered so much support. The stand on gay marriage is just fabulous, and Newsom will rightly go down in history books for that alone; but he has also made a series of very wise appointments to key posts, appointments that might have been used to reward his supporters in typical sleazy backroom-politcs style: and that HAD to have something to do with the fact that he knows Gonzalez is watching him. As president of the board of supes and with the demonstrable support of nearly half the city, Gonzalez still has a lot of power. Newsom is now forced to build bridges to the more liberal contingent of the city; and he can’t conduct business the way Willie Brown used to.
So, if you’re asking me if I’m sorry for supporting Gonzalez so strongly, the answer is no, no, no.
If you’re asking me if I’m happy with Newsom as mayor, the answer is yes, yes, yes.
I wouldn’t ask you to
I wouldn’t ask you to apologize for supporting Gonzalez. I think we had a rare thing last election: two excellent candidates. Admittedly excellent for different reasons, but I had a lot of trouble making up my mind. I like Matt Gonzalez a lot. I voted for him right before I moved out of District… whichever district it is he represents.
And you know, maybe Gavin is gonna turn around and be the sleazeball that the “sky is falling” contingent says he is. Who knows what the future holds?
As far as the “ineffective” charge, that’s my prediction of a scenario that didn’t happen, not my assessment of his track record. I think the same people that are watching Gavin’s back when he goes out on a limb now would be stabbing Matt in the back and he’d have to play the same game Gavin appears to be, except he wouldn’t be appeasing the more liberal crowd, he’d have to appease the conservative elements. I think that would keep him so busy that he wouldn’t get the latitude that Gavin’s been playing with.
“Only Nixon could go to
“Only Nixon could go to China.”
You just know that
You just know that if there’s gonna be someone other than a white male elected to the Presidency, it’s gonna be a Republican. It’s all about the crossover, baby.
To coin a phrase: “what incredible irony!”