Audio Ecstasy
For years I went through headphones the way that some people go through sunglasses or ballpoint pens: I’d get the cheapest earbuds I could find and use them until they fell apart. And they worked fine for me until one day with money burning a hole in my pocket I decided to spend fifty bucks on a pair of Sony MDR-V300 headphones. Fifty bucks is not all that much to spend on headphones; I can hear the audiophiles in the audience sneering at what pedestrian headphones the MDR-V300s are, but I expected there not to be any difference; I seriously thought I was wasting fifty bucks.
Then I plugged them in.
I swear I thought I’d have to listen to all my CDs over again to catch what I’d been missing. There was so much more to everything I heard that I could not believe that I’d gone so long with the crappy earbuds.
One thing for the earbuds though, is that they are light and easy to stow, whereas the MDR-V300s are relatively quite bulky. They have a mile of cable that has to be carried around, which is great in some circumstances and awkward in others. So after going to the gym a few times with the MDR-V300s I started gravitating towards smaller headphones that didn’t act quite so much as earmuffs.
When I got the iPod, I expected that I would throw away the earbuds that came with it. After reading the hype about the unobtanium drivers that make Apple’s iPod earbuds better than everyone else’s, I decided to give them a try for a while. Well, no question, the iPod earbuds are better than most, and I’ve been pretty happy with them so far.
But since I’ve been working in an office with two chatty women and not even thin cubicle walls between us, I’ve been needing a little bit more sound insulation than is provided by the earbuds. Yesterday
Today I brought the Sony MDR-V300 headphones to work. Well, no matter how much better the iPod earbuds are than every other earbuds on the planet, they’re still earbuds. And the Sony headphones are from another planet by comparison.
For one thing, they block out outside sound even when I’m not playing music. Not totally, but eliminating some of the ambient noise is the point here at the office, plus of course with less ambient sound the music sounds better even at lower volumes. But the dynamic response of these headphones is so much better than the earbuds. I’m sure it’s purely a physics questionâbigger drivers will have greater range. Not only am I back to hearing parts of the music I’d forgotten about, I’m thinking I’m going to have to reencode some of my music at a higher bitrate because I can hear compression artifacts in some of my MP3 music.
I hope I don’t become a superaudiophile jerky-boy. I actually like not being able to hear defects in the range of CD-audio. I like being able to enjoy music with less-than-perfect fidelity. So lets hope that this “enjoying the higher fidelity” kick isn’t addictive. I don’t want to be the snob turning my nose up at 320-kbps encoded MP3s or turning my nose up at CDs.
I’d like to try those.
I’d like to try those. Maybe next Saturday you could bring them over with you and I could give ’em a shot?
Sure thing. Don’t get your
Sure thing. Don’t get your hopes up too much, especially if you’re used to decent headphones already. These are the bottom of Sony’s studio line, with 30mm drivers instead of the 40mm or 50mm drivers that the more pricey ones have.
I’m wondering also if maybe part of the experience of hearing bass is feeling the vibration in the outer ear, which could explain why having outside-the-ear headphones could give better perception of bass response. It’s probably just the bigger drivers, but still, there’s a lot more “feeling” of ooomph in these headphones than in the earbuds.
I’m sorry you had to work
I’m sorry you had to work today!
Me too. I slept right
Me too. I slept right through my wind-up wake-the-dead alarm clock this morning and had to drag myself across town without any express buses running. Cue violins, &c.
Gotta say tho… bringing the headphones to work is working out really well. Juno Reactor sounds great on the headphones. I just need a mirror, because I really don’t like people sneaking up on me.
Ah, yes, good cans. You can
Ah, yes, good cans. You can spend very little money for a very big upgrade in quality. The ones that come with most portables are disposable.