Moving? It’s decision day
So I’ve been putting off committing, but today is the last weekday before it turns into next month, so if I’m going to give notice to my landlord this month, it has to be now.
Not this very minute, but yeah, today. I have to call my landlord today anyhow to tell her about the leak in the roof, so I’m tempted to just hit her with the double-whammy.
I’m sick of commuting. I’m starting to get downright tired of living out here in the boonies of San Francisco (dracunculus calls where I live “Daly City” even though the City limits aren’t for another mile).
I’m a little concerned that maybe I’m tempted to move just because I don’t want to clean the apartment and would rather start fresh. It would be really sweet to have more space to work with, and ample space to put my stuff. My resources are not infinite, however, and moving now will make March and April pretty tight months.
I live in a neighborhood where guys wear baggy clothes and shout at each other on the street corner and hold their girfriend’s heads in some sort of vice-grip (a hammerlock?) to show ownership. I’m considering a move to a neighborhood where people drive their SUVs around and tourists wander around trying to find Ghirardelli Square. Where public displays of affection are disgusting for their sappiness, not for their indistinguishability from an act of violence. Where the nearby grocery store is world-famous singles pick-up spot. Where my district supervisor would be Michela Alioto-Pier or Aaron Peskin instead of Gerardo Sandoval. OK, I’m not sure that last part is a bonus, but what the hell.
It would be nice to have friends over and be able to show them something other than a hole in the wall looking out at a liquor store. I’d rather take them up on the roof and show them the Golden Gate Bridge. It’d be real nice to live somewhere other than a place I came to escape homelessness while my life was in a breakup-induced tailspin.
On the other hand, we’re talking about doubling or doubling and a half my current rent. Ouch. Ouch, Ouch, Ouch.