Oh for pity’s sake
I was over at 23rd and Mission again today. Someone has kicked a hole in the recently repaired and repainted image of Rachel Corrie. It was heartbreaking the first time, and heartwarming when it was repaired and repainted. Now it’s been defaced in the same manner as before and any suspicion that it might have been a random act of drunkenness has dissolved.
Jeezus Christ. This is Liberal-Left-Coast San Francisco for cryin’ out loud! If this is the kind of brownshirt crap we live with here, what’s going on in the rest of the country?
Try here:
Try here:
I’m so sorry splicer.
Thank you.
The new one
Thank you.
The new one looked even better, but she was still next to Che, which I loved since when she was wondering whether I was a “fucking psycho” (the Spock Mountain folks said some interesting things about my character when she asked about me at the shack when I wasn’t there) she said I must be OK if I’d sent her a picture of Che.
Who’s Rachel Corrie? (Feels
Who’s Rachel Corrie? (Feels dumb)