
5.25 miles along the Embar­cadero, from Jef­fer­son and Pow­ell to SBC Park and back, in 56:52. I kept my heartrate under 170 most of the way, although I caught myself creep­ing up as high as 175 a cou­ple of times, but I eased back as soon as I saw it.

170 is still out­side my range… that’s about 91% of what my maxHR is sup­posed to be. I should be stay­ing clos­er to the 70%-80% range, or a heartrate in the range of 129 – 149bpm. But it’s less than I’ve been doing, so I fig­ure that means that my heart has less of a chance of kersploding.

And I cheat­ed. It was a lot eas­i­er to keep a slow­er pace today because my legs were already toast from Sat­ur­day’s four-mile run, which was already the longest dis­tance I’d ever done out­doors on pave­ment. But I think it’s a good expe­ri­ence for me to work through tired mus­cles, espe­cial­ly with my legs because my legs have a his­to­ry of being fair­ly strong. They don’t get to feel the burn very often, and today they felt it for the whole damn way.

Now to chug some pro­tein drinks and caffeine.

Oh, and the 5.25 miles might be 5.50 miles. Depends on whether you trust the mea­sure­ments I took this morn­ing cycling in, or the mea­sure­ment I took two weeks ago, cycling in. I’m going to have to find a way to get a more reli­able yard­stick than my cyclometer.

I am NOT gonna want to ride the bike home tonight. Ow.

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