5.25 miles along the Embarcadero, from Jefferson and Powell to SBC Park and back, in 56:52. I kept my heartrate under 170 most of the way, although I caught myself creeping up as high as 175 a couple of times, but I eased back as soon as I saw it.
170 is still outside my range… that’s about 91% of what my maxHR is supposed to be. I should be staying closer to the 70%-80% range, or a heartrate in the range of 129 – 149bpm. But it’s less than I’ve been doing, so I figure that means that my heart has less of a chance of kersploding.
And I cheated. It was a lot easier to keep a slower pace today because my legs were already toast from Saturday’s four-mile run, which was already the longest distance I’d ever done outdoors on pavement. But I think it’s a good experience for me to work through tired muscles, especially with my legs because my legs have a history of being fairly strong. They don’t get to feel the burn very often, and today they felt it for the whole damn way.
Now to chug some protein drinks and caffeine.
Oh, and the 5.25 miles might be 5.50 miles. Depends on whether you trust the measurements I took this morning cycling in, or the measurement I took two weeks ago, cycling in. I’m going to have to find a way to get a more reliable yardstick than my cyclometer.
I am NOT gonna want to ride the bike home tonight. Ow.