Wish I’d thought of this on the spot
…but of course it didn’t occur to me until today.
When A. drove me home last night she asked me whether I consider myself to be a Buddhist or a Christian, instead of the meandering long-winded answer I gave I should have simply said,
“I consider myself bisectual.”
that must be the required
that must be the required sober courting question.
I remember asking that of Maudite.
Sober, but not courting.
Sober, but not courting.
Did Maudite have a clever answer?
can i have your permission
can i have your permission to use it?
don’t they all identify with
don’t they all identify with Buddhism?
Thank you, and of course.
Thank you, and of course. You can use
memy words anytime.I can’t take full credit, though. Someone I know who is the member of more than one 12-step program refers to himself as “bisteptual.” I but stand on the shoulders of those that came before.