Feets, don’t fail me now
8 miles, 1:22:58 on Urbano Drive. I kinda wanted to go the 9th mile, but I was pretty crispy by then, so I’m glad I didn’t.
Followed that up with another personal best by swimming a kilometer in the pool. 45 laps is 1012.5 meters and I did that in 38:13. Of course swimming in a pool is relatively easy; you can touch bottom to rest, kick off against the wall when turning around, and a zillion other “cheats”. Plus they keep the water pretty warm. Swimming in the Bay will be more challenging in a lot of ways. But I gotta crawl before I can run and today was my best crawl ever on top of my longest run ever.
If I were crispy before the swim, I’m char-broiled now. I started to cramp up during the swim, first my arch felt like it was cramped and I just gently worked through it, flexing and rotating my foot in a backstroke until it subsided, and THEN just as I was getting out of the pool I had the beginnings of a calf cramp. Basically did the same thing walking on it ever so gently but still stretching it out.
I saw attractive women in swim suits at the pool at the gym today. That happens way too infrequently.
Last item, I stepped on broken glass in the locker room. I wasn’t cut, but that’s pretty scary. I was way too tired to sue. Actually, I’m way more angry at whatever dipweed broke a bottle in a locker room and then just left it there than I am at the management of the gym, who went to find a broom first thing they heard.
Ah well. Adventures at McGym.
I was looking up The Hammo
I was looking up The Hammo School and your journal entry was there from March. Pretty neat lil tool this is. Anyway’s I’ve been cooped up in the house and not wanting to play with the kids and started messing around on the internet and well, here I am. With all the talk about Hammo I thought you would at least remember, but then mabe you arn’t getting these? I don’t know. Anyway’s Im bored and SNL isn’t that great tonight and my effexor is kicking in so I’ll probably fall asleep soon. Please email me so I can hear about all the Hammo gossip. I’ve talked with Chris A a year ago, and kept in email and phone contact with Allison D and Jen D, but since I’ve moved to California this past year I lost touch. Last I heard Mallory was making movies????? and my memory is slipping away, the more stress and anxiety the less memory I have. I was wondering about getting my RN and what happens when they go to get the school transcripts and there is no Hamo shcool???? I don’t even know if I still have my diploma, eeeck! I suppose FIT would have them, never did complete my last semester. Isn’t that sad one semester away from graduating and I duck out because the industry is full of kniving back stabbing people. Anyway’s hope you don’t mind me dropping in and being a pest for a while on your journal. Funny you were in Nashville, because I just moved from Kentucky to So. Cal. Ventura. To be closer to my parents and get help with raising the kids. I lived two hours from Nashville, used to use the hospital there to get my daughter medical care. Remember Norman F? He passed away two years ago, three day’s after his/my daughters birthday. Sad. Even though we were divorced we still talked and he kept in touch with her. He was messed up. Seems everyone from Hammo was, I wonder about Ingrid, Joy, and Johnny, I don’t have to wonder about you anymore!
You’ve done well with your life. You look good, and your username is all over the net! I wish you the best. What ever happened with the cartoons? By the way, I mentioned in the other post that I have the Hamonasacre tape if you want a copy let me know.
Email me: emilybird@sbcglobal.net
to see my daughter’s web site: http://www.rettsyndrome.org/gallery/toc‑c.htm
Take care,
Michelle Henderson
that round street that used
that round street that used to be a horse race-track?
Yeah, I think so, but then I
Yeah, I think so, but then I thought you were the one who told me that it used to be a horse race-track.
You get to it by taking Victoria off of Ocean Avenue; it’s right near a 24 hour Fitness on Ocean, and each lap is one mile, so it’s a convenient place for me to go, lock up my stuff in a locker at the gym and run. It’s flat, and a nicer neighborhood than the one I live in.
When is your event?
When is your event?
Where on earth have you
Where on earth have you been? Oh, never mind, I can guess. =^) It’s good to see you back on LJ. You’ve been missed.
My event is not until next year. I think it’s June of 2005. And THEN only if I get in, which is not a guarantee. So I’ve actually decided to do a tri down in San Luis Obispo this year, in October. It’s shorter than Escape from Alcatraz in all events and the water is warm and calm, so I’m very confident that I can finish.
I also have a couple more single-discipline events that I’m considering this year, one of them is a 55 mile charity ride next month. Of course, it’s pretty late notice to be considering a charity ride, but I’m giving it thought.
Don’t be such a stranger, girl! Good to see you.
(heh heh… I see your Supergirl icon… you know I’m bald like Lex Luthor now, right?)
I was gonna ask where Urbano
I was gonna ask where Urbano Drive is but somebody else already did so I don’t know what to say.
Super cute…lex huh?
Super cute…lex huh?
So I’ve been busy…things are going oh so well. I’m gonna try to train for this mini-tri in Pleasonton. Seeing that I can’t ride a bike, can’t swim and don’t run, it should be fun. 🙂 I’m training though. I moved. *K* and I got a house together. Shhhh…don’t tell. **Looks around**
Life has never been better, and it wasn’t so bad before! 🙂 Talk to you soon…for sure.