Feets, don’t fail me now

8 miles, 1:22:58 on Urbano Dri­ve. I kin­da want­ed to go the 9th mile, but I was pret­ty crispy by then, so I’m glad I didn’t.

Fol­lowed that up with anoth­er per­son­al best by swim­ming a kilo­me­ter in the pool. 45 laps is 1012.5 meters and I did that in 38:13. Of course swim­ming in a pool is rel­a­tive­ly easy; you can touch bot­tom to rest, kick off against the wall when turn­ing around, and a zil­lion oth­er “cheats”. Plus they keep the water pret­ty warm. Swim­ming in the Bay will be more chal­leng­ing in a lot of ways. But I got­ta crawl before I can run and today was my best crawl ever on top of my longest run ever.

If I were crispy before the swim, I’m char-broiled now. I start­ed to cramp up dur­ing the swim, first my arch felt like it was cramped and I just gen­tly worked through it, flex­ing and rotat­ing my foot in a back­stroke until it sub­sided, and THEN just as I was get­ting out of the pool I had the begin­nings of a calf cramp. Basi­cal­ly did the same thing walk­ing on it ever so gen­tly but still stretch­ing it out.

I saw attrac­tive women in swim suits at the pool at the gym today. That hap­pens way too infrequently.

Last item, I stepped on bro­ken glass in the lock­er room. I was­n’t cut, but that’s pret­ty scary. I was way too tired to sue. Actu­al­ly, I’m way more angry at what­ev­er dip­weed broke a bot­tle in a lock­er room and then just left it there than I am at the man­age­ment of the gym, who went to find a broom first thing they heard.

Ah well. Adven­tures at McGym.

7 Replies to “Feets, don’t fail me now”

  1. I was look­ing up The Ham­mo
    I was look­ing up The Ham­mo School and your jour­nal entry was there from March. Pret­ty neat lil tool this is. Any­way’s I’ve been cooped up in the house and not want­i­ng to play with the kids and start­ed mess­ing around on the inter­net and well, here I am. With all the talk about Ham­mo I thought you would at least remem­ber, but then mabe you arn’t get­ting these? I don’t know. Any­way’s Im bored and SNL isn’t that great tonight and my effex­or is kick­ing in so I’ll prob­a­bly fall asleep soon. Please email me so I can hear about all the Ham­mo gos­sip. I’ve talked with Chris A a year ago, and kept in email and phone con­tact with Alli­son D and Jen D, but since I’ve moved to Cal­i­for­nia this past year I lost touch. Last I heard Mal­lo­ry was mak­ing movies????? and my mem­o­ry is slip­ping away, the more stress and anx­i­ety the less mem­o­ry I have. I was won­der­ing about get­ting my RN and what hap­pens when they go to get the school tran­scripts and there is no Hamo shcool???? I don’t even know if I still have my diplo­ma, eeeck! I sup­pose FIT would have them, nev­er did com­plete my last semes­ter. Isn’t that sad one semes­ter away from grad­u­at­ing and I duck out because the indus­try is full of kniv­ing back stab­bing peo­ple. Any­way’s hope you don’t mind me drop­ping in and being a pest for a while on your jour­nal. Fun­ny you were in Nashville, because I just moved from Ken­tucky to So. Cal. Ven­tu­ra. To be clos­er to my par­ents and get help with rais­ing the kids. I lived two hours from Nashville, used to use the hos­pi­tal there to get my daugh­ter med­ical care. Remem­ber Nor­man F? He passed away two years ago, three day’s after his/my daugh­ters birth­day. Sad. Even though we were divorced we still talked and he kept in touch with her. He was messed up. Seems every­one from Ham­mo was, I won­der about Ingrid, Joy, and John­ny, I don’t have to won­der about you anymore!

    You’ve done well with your life. You look good, and your user­name is all over the net! I wish you the best. What ever hap­pened with the car­toons? By the way, I men­tioned in the oth­er post that I have the Hamonasacre tape if you want a copy let me know.

    Email me: emilybird@sbcglobal.net

    to see my daugh­ter’s web site: http://www.rettsyndrome.org/gallery/toc‑c.htm

    Take care,
    Michelle Henderson

  2. Yeah, I think so, but then I
    Yeah, I think so, but then I thought you were the one who told me that it used to be a horse race-track. 


    You get to it by tak­ing Vic­to­ria off of Ocean Avenue; it’s right near a 24 hour Fit­ness on Ocean, and each lap is one mile, so it’s a con­ve­nient place for me to go, lock up my stuff in a lock­er at the gym and run. It’s flat, and a nicer neigh­bor­hood than the one I live in.

  3. Where on earth have you
    Where on earth have you been? Oh, nev­er mind, I can guess. =^) It’s good to see you back on LJ. You’ve been missed.

    My event is not until next year. I think it’s June of 2005. And THEN only if I get in, which is not a guar­an­tee. So I’ve actu­al­ly decid­ed to do a tri down in San Luis Obis­po this year, in Octo­ber. It’s short­er than Escape from Alca­traz in all events and the water is warm and calm, so I’m very con­fi­dent that I can finish.

    I also have a cou­ple more sin­gle-dis­ci­pline events that I’m con­sid­er­ing this year, one of them is a 55 mile char­i­ty ride next month. Of course, it’s pret­ty late notice to be con­sid­er­ing a char­i­ty ride, but I’m giv­ing it thought.

    Don’t be such a stranger, girl! Good to see you.

    (heh heh… I see your Super­girl icon… you know I’m bald like Lex Luthor now, right?)

  4. Super cute…lex huh?

    Super cute…lex huh?

    So I’ve been busy…things are going oh so well. I’m gonna try to train for this mini-tri in Plea­son­ton. See­ing that I can’t ride a bike, can’t swim and don’t run, it should be fun. 🙂 I’m train­ing though. I moved. *K* and I got a house togeth­er. Shhhh…don’t tell. **Looks around**


    Life has nev­er been bet­ter, and it was­n’t so bad before! 🙂 Talk to you soon…for sure.

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