I’m number 1577!!!!!
My official time at Bay To Breakers was 1:58:40. I was the 1577th person across the finish line. This means I’ll be listed in the “Special Edition” of the Chronicle, and that I didn’t need to worry about it. I could have gone a lot slower and still been in the top 10,000.
Goal for next year: top 1,000?
I see #1014 in at 1:36:12 and #926 in at 1:33:10, so I bet showing up earlier to get a better starting place and not stopping to wait in line at the portapotties would put me in the top 1000 without my actually getting to be a faster or stronger runner.
Looks like one would have to beat one hour to get in the top 100. Beating 1:20 would get me into the top 500 though. Lets see, we did the first mile in 25 minutes today, so from farther toward the front and without a potty break, 20 minutes should easily be doable. Then it would be a 9:15 pace for the next 6.5 miles? I dunno, but it sounds like a doable goal for next year. Top 500 placement.
Oh well, that’s NEXT year. I’ll worry about it later.
Good going, Steve! I’m
Good going, Steve! I’m impressed! Sounds like you musta inherited your competitiveness from your father. He, too, always had to beat his previous times, even on training runs.