I clean up OK

I wore my suit to Rich’s bach­e­lor par­tay tonight. One thing I’m learn­ing is that right after los­ing 50 pounds is prob­a­bly a bad time to have one’s suit altered. It seemed like a great idea at the time, but then after I put 30 of it back on I’m left with a suit that does­n’t fit. Ooops. So I sucked it in and walked around look­ing skin­nier than I deserve to.

But I got­ta say, the light-col­ored shirt unbut­toned two but­tons with my char­coal suit, which was prob­a­bly five years out of fash­ion when I bought it nine years ago, seemed to work OK. It was a look, and I can deal with that. The near­ly-bald head works with that suit bet­ter than I remem­ber hair ever work­ing with it.

So now I need to drop that 30 again so my suit will fit me.

Oh, or of course I sup­pose it’s not against the law for a man to own two suits…

For Elsie—The Res­i­dents

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