Three Mile Peninsula

Did­n’t get up in time to run this morn­ing, in fact I woke up rather late. I blame the stand­ing in the mid­dle of Mis­sion Street at 3am giv­ing a state­ment to the police for my screwed up sleep. It may be only one fac­tor, but it’s my scape­goat du jour. I made time in the after­noon, and ran three miles.

One inspir­ing moment today was talk­ing to one of the orga­niz­ers of the Pre­sidio Relay I want to run next month. He said a two-per­son team is sup­posed to be 10k, then 10k, but there would be noth­ing wrong with doing alter­nat­ing 5k laps instead, so that one per­son would run lap one and three and the oth­er two and four. Alter­nat­ing 5k runs sounds like more inter­est­ing and fun to me than wait­ing for a part­ner to fin­ish 10K. So I was deter­mined to get out on the pavement.

I feel it was not real­ly a suc­cess­ful run. I ran much too fast, com­plet­ing the three mile run in 26:10. I’d be very hap­py with that time except that I know my heartrate was too high. I just nev­er got into a rhythm that felt good and I kept on slip­ping into a faster pace. I was exhaust­ed and hurt­ing by the time I fin­ished, and exhaust­ed and hurt­ing is not the point of a short­er run. The point was sup­posed to be just to keep me in the game.

But I did get out there, and I’m hap­py to have just gone out and made it hap­pen. I’m a bit con­cerned about some pain in my left foot. Hope­ful­ly rest and stretch­ing will take care of it. Now that I’ve been bit­ten by the bug I don’t want to take any more time off than I have to. It’s hard enough for me to get into a habit with­out inten­tion­al­ly avoid­ing the thing I want to get into the habit of, hmm?

Stock­holm Syn­drome—Muse

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