It’s been a tough week. One more day and I think I get a three day weekend. That’s a good thing.
I’m wearing more hats than I like at work, and I’m getting spread pretty thin. I’m setting up a webserver to move our sites to, and as Poindexter Fortran likes to say, “beware a programmer with a screwdriver.” In my case, I’m even farther from my core competency.
Today I deinstalled MySQL 3.23 (I think) and installed 4.20 on a Fedora Linux box. The more I use Linux the more I’m convinced it’s unsuited for anything. Give me BSD or AIX any day. Levels of abstraction should either be transparent or create actual ease of use. Using a scripting language to manage package managers to prevent dependency conflicts with software that doesn’t exist just seems stupid. So I break stuff if I grab tarballs and install from source.
Sometime I’d like to hire a real system administrator to take care of this stuff. That’s not happening soon tho.
Right now I just want to collapse and maybe sleep or maybe stare at the cieling. I’m not sure I’ve got enough initiative to watch TV even. I’d like to not be alone, too. I know it doesn’t work that way. “Let’s get together and not do anything” is a pretty uninviting invitation. I already tried it out on
She wasn’t offended. She
She wasn’t offended. She wants to see Troy or Kill Bill 2 on Saturday afternoon.
I’m glad! I’m more inclined
I’m glad! I’m more inclined to Troy. Still haven’t seen my April movie yet, so I guess this is it! Yay! I’ll check the schedules.