Not holding my breath
Oh yes, please notify me when new works by Homer are released.
There she goes, my beautiful world
Oh yes, please notify me when new works by Homer are released.
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Hurr hurr hurr!
Hurr hurr hurr!
Oh by the way, it is
Oh by the way, it is Hercules who frees Prometheus.
Good for
Good for Herakles.
Interestingly enough, that page says that Herakles is often confused with Hercules. I’d always been taught that they were different names for the same person spoken by different people with different language at a different time.
Yeah, I saw that. He’s just
Yeah, I saw that. He’s just being pretentious. I liked that summary though because he does a good job of citing his sources.
According to Encyclopedia
According to Encyclopedia Britannica, Herakles is the Greek name and Hercules is the Roman name for the same person.