4 Replies to “Oooh Oooh Oooh I wanna go!”

  1. Fun­ny. I just ran across a
    Fun­ny. I just ran across a poem today by Byron New­ton about NYC. It goes like this:

    Vul­gar of man­ner, overfed,
    Over­dressed and underbred;
    Heart­less, God­less, hell’s delight
    Rude by day and lewd by night.
    Pur­ple-robed and pauper-clad,
    Rav­ing, rot­ting, money-mad;
    A squirm­ing herd in Mammon’s mesh
    A wilder­ness of human flesh;
    Crazed with avarice, lust and rum,
    New York, thy name’s Delirium.

    That’s it, folks!

  2. July 22 – 25, or real­ly the
    July 22 – 25, or real­ly the 23rd and 24th and a cou­ple of trav­el days. The main event will be DEVO on the 23rd. I think I’m stay­ing with up in Con­necti­cut, but that will be like eight min­utes before he moves, so I may be wan­der­ing the streets crazed until all hours. Or some­thing. Who knows? But I at least have my air­plane tix and Xris has my Devo tick­et. The time is marked “Steve Vac.” on the wall cal­en­dar here at work. As far as I’m con­cerned, it’s all a done deal.

    Xris prob­a­bly has to work on the 23rd dur­ing the day. Wan­na get lunch at least?

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