Oh and by the way

Bad habit of mine: get­ting two tick­ets to an event and THEN look­ing for a date. It’s a low self-esteem thing I guess, where I feel I need to bribe oth­er peo­ple to spend any time with me. In my his­to­ry I’ve spent hun­dreds of dol­lars on events I did­n’t want to go to, and some­times got­ten two tick­ets for things I did want to see that then went unused.

In short, it’s a real­ly good way to beat myself up. And it’s not like I have any short­age of ways to beat myself up.

So I did it again, but I’m keep­ing in mind the les­son of din­ner last Fri­day night: the pur­pose, I’m remind­ing myself, is for me to go and have a good time. Any­thing else is gravy.

Auf Der Maur tick­ets were only $13 each. So if I end up pay­ing $26 to see Auf Der Maur by myself, well, that’s A‑okay by me. I’m going to the show. If some­one else that I’d like to go with wants to come along, I’m equipped to make that pos­si­ble. If I don’t find some­one that I want to bring along, maybe some poor soul will be look­ing for a scalped tick­et out­side Slims. or maybe I’m pay­ing an extra $13 so the show won’t be as crowd­ed. Does­n’t matter.

Woo! I’m going to Auf Der Maur!

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