Waiting for DSL

Stu­pid thing num­ber one: my broad­band provider could­n’t even put in an order with­out an installed phone line. I had my new num­ber and the phone set up over a month in advance but until the line is actu­al­ly active there’s noth­ing any­one can do, apparently.

Stu­pid thing num­ber two: The line does­n’t need to just be in and work­ing. SBC takes their own sweet time after the line is installed mak­ing the news of the exis­tence of the line known even to their own peo­ple for “two to three days.” In real-time num­bers that’s one week. Tues­day to Tues­day is five busi­ness days.

Stu­pid thing num­ber three: even after this, then Son­ic has to sched­ule ANOTHER instal­la­tion with SBC. So SBC has to come out a SECOND time and do an instal­la­tion? Why is that? And why could­n’t that have been sched­uled at some point in the past when I was try­ing to arrange all of this?

Weird weird weird thing: I plugged in the DSL modem last night and all the lights came on. It’s sync­ing and every­thing. The LINE seems to be ful­ly active, but there’s no IP being provided.

It looks sus­pi­cious­ly like my ISP is wait­ing for a line that’s already set up to be set up.

4 Replies to “Waiting for DSL”

  1. This is the prob­lem with
    This is the prob­lem with SBC, they can’t pro­vi­sion shit till you have your num­ber set­up and installed for a cou­ple days or some­thing bogus. Sev­er­al friends of mine have had that prob­lem, as have I.

    Sonic.net is a real­ly good provider, so don’t wor­ry, you’re in good hands. They’re one of the few good DSL providers out there.

    I usu­al­ly rec­comend them or Raw Band­width if they don’t want to get a T1 from me 🙂

  2. Yes, I switched from Raw
    Yes, I switched from Raw Band­width. I’d have loved to stay, but Mike’s just not com­pet­ing on price and band­width. I’m sav­ing $30 per month with Son­ic and sup­pos­ed­ly get­ting twice the band­width and eight IPs, which I did­n’t get from Tsoft.

  3. *nods*
    I use RB at home

    I use RB at home because they’re one of my cus­tomers (so is Son­ic actu­al­ly), but RB has been a cus­tomer longer heh.
    I’ve heard that com­plaint before about RB, but I under­stand why he can’t get real­ly cheap — SBC charges him an arm and a leg.
    I’m guess­ing SONIC is big­ger so they can get a bet­ter deal.

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