Oh, yes, and…

Hot baths should be fol­lowed up with a large cup of ice water (crushed, not cubed) con­sumed on the front deck look­ing out over the lights of the city, seen bare­foot and only in one’s bathrobe as the cloud cov­er zooms past quick­ly, so low that one would con­sid­er whether it were low clouds or high fog.

Then sleep, accom­pa­nied by a grey stripey friend, fresh­ly brushed and purring softly.

That’s my sto­ry, and I’m stick­ing to it.

Kin­ca­jou (Duck! Aster­oid)—Ban­co de Gaia

2 Replies to “Oh, yes, and…”

  1. You must be pret­ty damn far
    You must be pret­ty damn far East, there. I could­n’t see the sun, but the moon was pret­ty high in the sky.


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