Why is this all such a mess?
OK, at my company we have five employees. That’s total, including the owner.
We have somewhere around a hundred Internet domains.
So why do we have to have different rules for EVERY DOMAIN????
My tourcorp.com address is “steve” and my mapwest.com address is “s” and my gotoalcatraz.com address is “splicer.”
I’m cool with that and cool with having multiple aliases for the same mailbox. What I don’t understand is having to maintain one hundred mailboxes or even one hundred separate aliases just for “sales@whatever.com”
We have five people here. This should be simple.
If we had a system administrator to set policies and so on, I could yell at him or her. But of course if we had a system administrator here, we wouldn’t have this stuff coming up in the first place.
Forget virtual user tables.
Forget virtual user tables. Make sales@domain1.com, sales@domain2.com, sales@domain3.com all go to the same mailbox.
Or use virtusertables.
Yeah, that’s what *I*
Yeah, that’s what *I* think.
Of course, there’s no virtual user table. This is a proprietary NT4-based mailserver and – get this – it’s never ever had a routable IP address, no MX records have ever pointed to it.
They’ve relied on multiPOP. This means for each of the 100+ domains, there’s a POP mailbox. All the mail for the domain goes into one mailbox, and then the mailserver goes and grabs mail for each one.
So at this point, different rules go into place depending on which POP account it was grabbed from. I’ve been paying as little attention as I possibly can to the NT mailserver, but it appears to define a mailbox as a username plus a domain, not as a single
Right now I’ve got all the DNS pointed at a single server, but the MX record can’t go to the actual mailserver because we don’t have a real IP address for it. So I’m filtering everything into one mailbox and having the mailserver grab all this stuff via POP and then split it off into the different mail accounts. sales@domain1.com.…sales@domain100.com apparantly requires 100 different “rules”.
The problems with this are: 1) no one can get email from outside the network. Since I’m on a different network I’ve set up my own email on the webserver. This also means that the boss maintains another POPmailbox outside that he – get this – forwards all his mail to. So he can read his email at home.
So we’re getting all our spam in and having to resend it to Brian every day. I don’t even want to think about the bandwidth that eats up.
2) we had to do some fancy redirection and forwarding to convince the mailserver that it should NOT store my emails. Even if I get the mails on the webserver, mail from inside the office has to be sent OUT, which is not SOP.
3) I have to send mail through PacBell’s SMTP server.
4) BCC doesn’t seem to work AT ALL.
5) It’s just plain stupid.
HUNDREDS of hours spent dealing with what could be a SIMPLE installation. When I’ve even hinted that the job could be done better with the linux box I get the same response: “well, this filters all our viruses and updates on a daily basis” which IMO translates to “I spent a hundred and fifty bucks on this ten years ago and I’m not gonna let that hundred and fifty bucks go to waste by using something free even if it works better.”
Anyhow. It’s called MDaemon. I’ve heard good things about it; I’m sure that it’s actually way more powerful than we need. Hopefully I can get in here real soon and at least get the fileserver capability split off from the mailserver capability so we can give the mailserver a live IP address and stop the damn “store-and-forward” mess of multiPOP.
Although given a BSD box and an NT4 box and an office full of XP machines (and a couple of Macs) I think it’s smarter to use the BSD box as the mailserver and the NT4 box as a fileserver rather than setting up Samba on the BSD box and MDaemon on the NT4 box. But maybe that’s just my prejudice.
That’s just what my company
That’s just what my company did: mail and http and ftp server on Linux, file server on NT4. (And I certainly had fun when the file server ran out of space and it needed an add-on IDE card to handle modern disk capacities. Especially when I had to spend hours resetting the permissions of files whose ownerships were nonexistent users.)
Well, that stuff could all
Well, that stuff could all happen on *ix machines, of course.
Yes, given my preferences it would ALL be on *ix boxen, but I’m not about to make a case for burning down the existing NT box to put Linux or BSD on it. I don’t think I could honestly make that case.
Plus, I don’t WANT to be an admin here. Sysadmin experience is not going near my resume under any circumstances, so why would I waste time gaining that experience?
Yeah your system is pretty
Yeah your system is pretty hokey.