Will this ever be over with?

Mak­ing some small progress in the War On Clut­ter. I have a big box of unsort­ed papers that is near­ly fall­en apart because its con­tents were too heavy for it in the move. Now I have a sec­ond box, which is the new home of the con­tents of the first box.

Even­tu­al­ly what I need is a sys­tem for fil­ing the things that I intend to keep. But for right now I’m set­tling for just get­ting the stuff I think I want to keep into the new­er, stur­dier box, and get­ting the stuff I don’t want to keep into the recy­cling bin. I’ve put a LOT of stuff into recy­cling tonight. It’s astound­ing too, how much utter crap I’ve man­aged to amass. I have copies of bills and col­lec­tion requests for items I that I paid off months ago, and CD-ROMs with out­dat­ed dri­vers for prod­ucts I no longer own. Throw­ing away some of this stuff is great, but some­times it seems like an end­less chore.

Then there are the curve­balls. First I came across ‘s mail­ing address and email in her own hand­writ­ing. Yay hap­py mem­o­ries from Burn­ing Man 2002! Then I came across a sim­i­lar note from anoth­er love­ly young lady who isn’t liv­ing any longer. Boo hap­py mem­o­ries from Burn­ing Man 2002.

It’s eas­i­er liv­ing in a mess than cop­ing with the emo­tions that come up from real life.

Sad But True—Orbital

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