public class Ennui?
For about the fourth time since 1994 I’m dipping my toes in the waters of learning Java. I have it in my head that I may be able to market myself more effectively with Java experience than with Perl. Yes, I believe everything I’ve heard about Python being The Best Language Ev4R, but I’m pretty much convinced that it being so good is its death knell. The endorsement of so many savvy people puts Python in a wonderful club with technologies no one remembers, like OS/2 and the Apple Newton.
So am I cynical? Yeah. But there’s more to my desire to learn Java. In addition to the stuff I do for a living, I’d like to toy around with programming for handheld devices. That just seems fun to me. From what I’ve seen, there’s not a lot of support for languages I know (Perl, and um… should I admit to having experience with Fortran and Rexx?) on the Palm.
I got myself a copy of O’Reilly’s Learning Java and Kernighan & Pike’s The Practice of Programming as learning aids for notching my meager programming skills up a step or two. From Learning Java’s description of classes:
In an application, a class might represent something concrete, such as a button on a screen or the information in a spreadsheet, or it could be something more abstract, such as a sorting algorithm or perhaps the sense of ennui in a character in a role-playing game.
Now I can’t stop wondering how to programmatically define ennui.
You just have to ask: in the
You just have to ask: in the context of this game and the actions that are supported within it, which behaviors are more ennuitic?