
I picked a new route this morn­ing, and mea­sured it with the help of Yahoo Maps, so I hope they have accu­rate dis­tances. Accord­ing to them if I run up Twin Peaks and back down from my apart­ment it’s 3.1 miles.

IF, on the oth­er hand, I run back down the oth­er side of Twin Peaks and down Mar­ket Street, it looks like an even five miles. And that’s what I did. 5.0 miles in 51:34. Did­n’t break the 10-minute mile, but I have Twin Peaks as my excuse.

Also my iPod. I had the desire to find out how many pieces the iPod would smash into as it repeat­ed­ly conked out on me today. yeah, it’s a real nice transportable music play­er, but if it’s so del­i­cate that run­ning screws it up, I’m not there call­ing it “portable”.

I’ll try one of those arm hold­er things. My house­mate has one and she says she’ll lend it to me. If that helps I’ll buy one myself because it’s no fun hav­ing a dig­i­tal music play­er that’s even flaki­er than a CD player.

I bet it has to do with their cache refresh­ing. I bet almost any­thing that they fill the mem­o­ry up with files and then don’t both­er to try to replace the music that’s already played with the music that’s going to be played next until it’s all emp­ty. At which point it goes back to rely­ing on being a spin­ning disk that does­n’t like being jostled.

Apple, get it togeth­er and release a dig­i­tal music play­er that’s not based on rotat­ing disks. Mov­ing parts my ass. What a ripoff.

Oth­er than the fact that I can only get about 30 min­utes of play out of my iPod when run­ning, I love it.

Sam­ple And Hold—Neil Young

5 Replies to “Yep”

  1. My cheesy lit­tle Kodak MC3
    My cheesy lit­tle Kodak MC3 still works like a charm; it’s scu­plt­ed to fit nice­ly in a hand, and runs for 5 – 6 hours on recharge­able AAAs. Despite lots of runs with sweat run­ning down my hands, it’s still going strong.

    I only have a 128 MB card in there now; my 256 card went into my Nikon D70. I’m going to buy a 512 and a cou­ple of gig cards this week (I hope)

  2. I was just going to ask
    I was just going to ask Splicer if he’d looked into those flash-mem­o­ry based play­ers. I think that’s what I’m inter­est­ed in. What does flash mem­o­ry max out at these days?

    I killed my hard dri­ve by drop­ping my lap­top once — so I’ve been kind of hes­i­tant to invest in an Ipod ever since.

  3. San­Disk claims to have 4GB
    San­Disk claims to have 4GB cards out, but it’s hard to find any­thing over 512MB. ONline ven­dors claim to have 1GB cards for $150 or so.

    There are two prob­lems with just load­ing up big­ger cards. First, my expe­ri­ence with the Kodak MC3 (which I still think was a great device) is that the big­ger a card I put in, the slow­er the whole device got. That was only look­ing at the dif­fer­ence between a 64MB card and a 256MB card. Ouch! Hope­ful­ly oth­er play­ers don’t have the draw­back of hav­ing to slow down to use big­ger mem­o­ry address spaces.

    The oth­er prob­lem is the same prob­lem on a human lev­el. It’s hard to keep more than a few songs orga­nized with­out a good sys­tem that does the orga­ni­za­tion for you. Most play­ers suck at this. I think the iPod sucks at it, frankly. Despite all the gush­ing about what a per­fect user inter­face it has, I think Apple only failed to suck as bad as the rest of the competition.

  4. I liked the MC3 a lot, but I
    I liked the MC3 a lot, but I nev­er fig­ured out how to make a playlist that it would rec­og­nize. There was no option to lis­ten to a par­tic­u­lar album or have songs in any par­tic­u­lar order. So yeah, it’s OK if you want to just lis­ten to shuf­fle play and pick out the songs you want to hear before you leave the house.

    With a 256MB card I was already run­ning into the prob­lem of not being able to find songs i want­ed to hear quick­ly and eas­i­ly. “Shuf­fle play or the high­way” is real­ly bad if you want to hear a par­tic­u­lar CD.

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