17 Replies to “Blast from the past goes open”

  1. Too bad you’re “involved“
    Too bad you’re “involved” (Well, from my per­spec­tive. LOL) We could move to Port­land. Great hous­ing prospects there right now. 

    Good luck with the job. That has to be very stressful.

  2. Flash­back!


    1991, Williams-Sono­ma. 150 IBM PS/2 mod­el 80s in stores run­ning OS/2 1.2, dial­ing in through ana­log dialup, X.25, or leased line to a mod­el 80 run­ning OS/2 and Excel­lenet WAN software.

    We wrote all of the mid­night batch pro­cess­ing in REXX. We became I after my boss sent a typo out to all 150 stores and we had to have store man­agers edit a batch file with Edlin. 🙂

    Odd­ly enough, I got some schwag from one of the OS/2 trade shows that year; a Uni­ball Micro pen with the OS/2 logo on it. It still writes!

    OS/2 kept re-appear­ing over the years. Octel uses OS/2 for their small busi­ness voice­mail system.

  3. Involved? No, “involved” I
    Involved? No, “involved” I ain’t. Would be nice, tho.

    I’ve thought about Port­land before. Seems like a nice town. If ‘s old land­lord had­n’t been so opposed to cats, I might be liv­ing there now. But I don’t real­ly want to leave the Bay Area, and I’m not con­vinced that my job prospects would be any bet­ter in Portland.

  4. edlin? edlin???
    I know that

    edlin? edlin???

    I know that EPM did­dn’t come around until OS/2 2.0 (or 2.1?) but did­n’t you at least have E on those box­es? Eeek!

    But yeah, Rexx was real good for the kind of thing you described, although it might not have matured (or the plat­form and appli­ca­tions might not have) at the time you were using it. It struck me as strad­dling the line between a high-lev­el script­ing lan­guage and an appli­ca­tion’s inter­nal macro syn­tax. It made it easy to auto­mate end-user sorts of tasks and cre­ate real inte­gra­tion between (some) applications.

    Build­ing appli­ca­tions from scratch with Rexx would be painful, but using a Works-type pack­age (like IBM Works) and an email pack­age, a rel­a­tive­ly non-tech­ni­cal per­son could build a nice set of cus­tomized cus­tomer-ser­vice tools for coor­di­nat­ing phone calls, email con­tact, and print mailmerges.

    It’s a lan­guage that real­ly tried to bridge the gap between the rar­i­fied air of the the soft­ware devel­op­er and the low­ly end-user. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the mod­el of allow­ing end-users access to pow­er­ful automa­tion tools is not in vogue.

  5. Oh, “News and Views” would
    Oh, “News and Views” would be your beat, right? I’d for­got­ten that you might have been direct­ly respon­si­ble for the col­umn that I read. Thank you.

    Re: the New­ton. I have the as-yet-undis­closed loca­tion of the 2005 World New­ton Con­fer­ence. Try­ing to get con­fir­ma­tion. (Did that sound good?)

  6. These were old DOS box­es,
    These were old DOS box­es, Mod 80s with 8 – 12 megs of RAM, 32 meg hard disks and no PM — all text mode. We used it for a souped up batch proces­sor to trans­mit files back and forth.

  7. Yeah, I saw you as “News
    Yeah, I saw you as “News Edi­tor” and I did­n’t see any­one list­ed as “Views Edi­tor” so I fig­ured you did both. =^)

  8. “It struck me as straddling

    It struck me as strad­dling the line between a high-lev­el script­ing lan­guage and an appli­ca­tion’s inter­nal macro syn­tax. It made it easy to auto­mate end-user sorts of tasks and cre­ate real inte­gra­tion between (some) appli­ca­tions.

    And that’s exact­ly what it was used for on the Ami­ga… a sys­tem-lev­el script­ing lan­guage which could auto­mate tasks inside of appli­ca­tions, as is now pos­si­ble in Win­dows with COM/OLE and {VB|J}script. So I’m nos­tal­gi­ciz­ing over REXX too, a bit, though lin­guis­ti­cal­ly it ain’t much of a language.

  9. Yeah, but isn’t COM/OLE with
    Yeah, but isn’t COM/OLE with VB or JScript a few orders of mag­ni­tude more complex?

    Hon­est­ly, Rexx “not being much of a lan­guage” is sort of one of its strengths. It’s sim­ple and easy to learn with­out hav­ing to know too much about pro­gram­ming. Yes, I cringe when I look at my old Rexx code, but real­ly if it were much steep­er of a step up it would­n’t have “strad­dled” so well.

    I’ve had the argu­ment with oth­ers (par­tic­u­lar­ly ) about whether “pro­gram­ming” should be in the exclu­sive domain of rar­i­fied soft­ware devel­op­ers. I point­ed out some of the sys­tems I built with Rexx and he said “see? you’re a soft­ware devel­op­er!” But the point was that I could pick up a pret­ty sim­ple set of tools and do some great things with them with­out a lot of com­put­er sci­ence back­ground. The tools avail­able on most plat­forms are either real­ly dif­fi­cult to learn or they don’t pro­vide a lot of pow­er to a non-tech­ni­cal user.

    I’ve real­ly moved beyond Rexx, but I do look back with great fond­ness at an approach that I think was doomed by experts fear­ing being replaced by the unwashed mass­es. Even as I get clos­er to expert­hood, I’d still rather the unwashed mass­es could get the ben­e­fit of some sim­ple coding.

  10. COM/OLE is more com­plex
    COM/OLE is more com­plex most­ly just because it’s object-ori­ent­ed. Aside from that, the basic sit­u­a­tion is kind of the same in either case: it’s up to the appli­ca­tion to con­struct an inter­face that is acces­si­ble to the scripter. But OLE is admit­ted­ly bet­ter at pass­ing data around than Rexx ever could be.

    And it remains a shame how few appli­ca­tions are will­ing to do a decent job at expos­ing their func­tion­al­i­ty this way, mak­ing them­selves script­able. MS Office is an exam­ple of some­thing that makes itself strong­ly script­able, but oth­er exam­ples aren’t that com­mon. There’s a lot that some­one who isn’t a “real” pro­gram­mer can do at the Win­dows desk­top lev­el with COM script­ing, and it isn’t taught or talked about near­ly as much as it could be. Unix peo­ple know all about script­ing, and Win­dows peo­ple don’t much, though they have some decent capa­bil­i­ties avail­able. And hac­quers do often pro­vide COM-based tools that can be used in scripts… for instance, I recent­ly need­ed to read the width and height of a JPEG in a script, to gen­er­ate HTML tags to suit it, and I found a COM object out there that fit the bill exactly.

  11. “I’ve had the argu­ment with
    “I’ve had the argu­ment with oth­ers (par­tic­u­lar­ly euthymia) about whether ‘pro­gram­ming’ should be in the exclu­sive domain of rar­i­fied soft­ware developers.…”

    Appar­ent­ly that was the argu­ment you were hav­ing. The one I was hav­ing was a dif­fer­ent one: whether the pres­ence of pow­er­ful script­ing in a desk­top OS is some­thing of crit­i­cal val­ue to every­day users (and there­fore some­thing that OS sup­pli­ers are like­ly to give resources to).

    My con­tention was (and is) that it’s some­thing that 95% of users will nev­er touch, there­fore not some­thing that is a high pri­or­i­ty for devel­op­ers of said desk­top OS’s (notably Microsoft and Apple).

    Notice the lack of the word “should” any­where in there?

    Your con­tention seemed to be that Micro$oft was try­ing to keep every­one down, man, by delib­er­ate­ly leav­ing script­ing out of Windoze.

    Pre­sum­ably so that the recep­tion­ists of the world will be pre­vent­ed from cre­at­ing amaz­ing­ly use­ful scripts that would make them less depen­dent on Micro$oft? I dun­no. I still find it dif­fi­cult to believe that Microsoft would give the aver­age desk­top user that much credit.

    If I had known at the time that your Uni­ver­sal Mis-trans­la­tor was mutat­ing my asser­tion to “ ‘pro­gram­ming’ should be in the exclu­sive domain of rar­i­fied soft­ware devel­op­ers,” I would have set you straight, ’cause that’s laughable.

    I’m glad I have the chance now.

  12. Well, gosh. I thought the
    Well, gosh. I thought the dis­cus­sion was about whether such things should be part of oper­at­ing sys­tems, not whether they were or were like­ly to be. I was talk­ing about whether there was a ben­e­fit to end-users and you were talk­ing about whether Microsoft would pro­vide that ben­e­fit. Sil­ly me!

  13. As I recall, you made the
    As I recall, you made the asser­tion that Win­dows OSes tra­di­tion­al­ly had crap­py sup­port for script­ing because Micro$oft was afraid of putting too much pro­gram­ming pow­er in the hands of the reg­u­lar Joes and Janes who use their software.

    I dis­agreed, say­ing that the rea­son was more like­ly that Microsoft thinks that their devel­op­ment resources are bet­ter uti­lized else­where, that they did­n’t think that reg­u­lar shmoes in offices would USE more pow­er­ful script­ing tools.

    *I* as a mat­ter of fact, don’t think that very many office folks would care too much about it either. Some do, obvi­ous­ly, but not enough for Microsoft to care. The reg­u­lar users I’ve known in my many office jobs have had a hard enough time fig­ur­ing out the val­ue of being able to print to a net­worked print­er, much less the val­ue of automat­ing com­put­er tasks.

    Microsoft is in busi­ness to make mon­ey, and they make mon­ey by includ­ing fea­tures that peo­ple are inter­est­ed in using.

    I once had the job of script­ing var­i­ous net­work tasks in an NT 4.0 envi­ron­ment and was aston­ished at how much bet­ter Nov­el­l’s script­ing was. I thought that if Microsoft were mar­ket­ing this thing as an enter­prise serv­er prod­uct, it should come with some decent script­ing, or at least have a pack­age avail­able. So I see the need for script­ing, but most­ly among net­work peo­ple and in-house pro­gram­mers (like you).

    Any­way, where we dis­agreed (at first) was: you claimed that pow­er­ful script­ing tools would be VERY impor­tant to Joe and Jane office worker.

    Which is a good, debat­able point: is pow­er­ful script­ing impor­tant enough to the aver­age user (not the net­work guru like me) for Microsoft to put it in their desk­top OS?

    Maybe, maybe not. I say prob­a­bly not. You say sure­ly so.

    Don’t know how it went astray.…perhaps at some point, since I agreed with this one deci­sion Microsoft made (and I don’t do that often:-), I was assumed to agree with every­thing you imag­ine them to believe.

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