It’s official: I’m going begging

The ran­dom draw­ing has come and gone and my name is not on the list. Now I’ll def­i­nite­ly be look­ing for vol­un­teers to do things like hand out water at the Escape from Alca­traz triathlon. If I can coerce enough peo­ple to vol­un­teer (sort of defies the mean­ing of the word, but roll with it, OK?), I can still get a slot as a mem­ber of the host club.

So, if you’re in the Bay Area, con­sid­er being a vol­un­teer. If you’re from some­where else, start plan­ning to trav­el to the Bay Area for June 12th! I’ll get info about how to vol­un­teer so that I get “cred­it” for your work and post it here or start pes­ter­ing you all individually.

Remem­ber: it’ll be a day of watch­ing sweaty ath­letes in skin-tight cloth­ing. That can’t be a bad thing, right?

4 Replies to “It’s official: I’m going begging”

  1. Tell me more about the
    Tell me more about the vol­un­teer sit­u­a­tion. It would be a shame to fly out there and then not get to see you per­form. How many vol­un­teers do you need to get in order to get in, and what would we have to do?


  2. I’m not sure if I’m going to
    I’m not sure if I’m going to be in the state that week­end, but I want to vol­un­teer. I just don’t want to com­mit to some­thing I can’t do for sure. 

    So like your dad, I’d like to know
    1) how many vol­un­teers you need
    2) when you need to know by
    3) would we only work that day? or is it the day before also?
    4) what ungod­ly hour are they expect­ing us?

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