Lots to catch up on, very little time

I slept only about an hour because I’m get­ting ready to go to Ver­mont for my grand­fa­ther’s funer­al, which is tomor­row after­noon. It’s fun­ny what gets me moti­vat­ed to do things some­times. My house­mate will be feed­ing Ozzy for me while I’m gone, so I’ve spent the last hour or so clean­ing my room and my bath­room. trou­ble is, since I spent the bet­ter part of Decem­ber deep in depres­sion and the bet­ter part of Jan­u­ary with the fog slow­ly lift­ing, the place is a big mess.

So I’m leav­ing in about an hour and I haven’t packed, but I’m just about done clean­ing. It’s still a huge mess, but I can see the progress, even if my house­mate is shocked at what a slob I am. So be it.

Appar­ent­ly there’s a big storm going through New Eng­land as I’ll be trav­el­ing. For­tu­nate­ly, air trav­el is real safe, and I’m not wor­ried about it.

Trance—Christophe Goze

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