New daily exercise

Some­one, who will for now remain anony­mous, has sug­gest­ed to me the fol­low­ing course of action: each day I am to say “hel­lo” to one attrac­tive woman who I don’t know. I am to pay atten­tion to what hap­pens as a result.

So put this next to my 50 Book Chal­lenge, I guess. It’s a 365 Hel­lo Challenge.

Fun­ny. 24 hours in a day, that’s 84,600 sec­onds. It takes at most a sec­ond and a half to say the word “hel­lo.” So why does this sound like a daunt­ing task?

One Reply to “New daily exercise”

  1. I hope when you say
    I hope when you say “attrac­tive” you mean “inter­est­ing.” There are a lot of peo­ple out there worth know­ing that may not be up to movie star lev­el in the looks depart­ment. I talk to every­body. That has the side ben­e­fit of mak­ing it eas­i­er when speak­ing to the tru­ly gor­geous few.


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