As Splicer continues to hemhorrage money

Rode my new motor­cy­cle even far­ther today… all the way to Daly City. I actu­al­ly toyed with the idea of going all the way to Paci­fi­ca, but the way I know to get there involves a real high­way por­tion of Route 1, and I’m not quite com­fort­able enough on the bike (hav­ing rid­den on the streets less than two days) for the free­way. Route 35 was scary enough because the wind was pret­ty high. Get­ting pushed around by cross­winds at 55mph is… well, I can see why peo­ple choose to own big­ger, heav­ier bikes.

The point of the trip was to vis­it the Red Wing Store in Daly City, and I did­n’t need to go all the way to Paci­fi­ca for that (duh). I want­ed to get «Tech-Toe» boots, which are like steel­toes, but with some kind of light­weight poly­car­bon­ate instead of steel. They don’t make any boots as tall as I want for rid­ing with Tech-Toe, so I gave up on them. Instead I found the «Fire Boot», which looks like this:

…except with a zip­per insert that’s hard to explain but involves two laces and a com­pli­cat­ed lac­ing pat­tern (com­plete with instruc­tion man­u­al and spe­cial pull-tool). Once in place (as they are now) the boots come on and off with a zip­per. The nice thing is that if I get sick of hav­ing zip­pered boots, I can take the insert out and lace the boots nor­mal­ly (as they are in the picture.)

They are steel-toed boots and also steel-soled in case some­one tries to nail­gun my feet from beneath. ANSI-rat­ed of course.

The Red Wing sales­man said he sells a lot of that mod­el to EMTs. I fig­ured they should be good enough for me, but also took it with a grain of salt. I mean, the sales­man could be say­ing any­thing and I’d nev­er know the dif­fer­ence. Lat­er on in the day how­ev­er, I saw my friend Niko, who actu­al­ly is an EMT. She said that mine were exact­ly the boots she wants, except that Red Wing does­n’t make them in wom­en’s sizes and that the small­est men’s size they make is too big for her. So I’m grat­i­fied that I’ve grad­u­at­ed from boots worn by punk rock losers to boots pre­ferred by actu­al real-life superheroes.

Side note to the peo­ple at the Red Wing Shoe Com­pa­ny: hey, make the Fire Boot in wom­en’s sizes! A chick EMT might save your life some­day, and then won’t you feel dumb for not mak­ing the best boot for her? I’m just sayin’.

Many of the Red Wings on dis­play in the store had lit­tle U.S. flag tags on the laces. I asked whether some were made in the U.S. and some made else­where, fear­ing that Red Wing had gone the way of Con­verse, send­ing their man­u­fac­tur­ing over­seas. Nope, just that the floor staff only has so much time to unlace dis­play shoes and put minia­ture U.S. flags on them. So what the hell, I fig­ure. I’m pret­ty pleased to have sent my mon­ey to a domes­tic com­pa­ny (even if I did­n’t do so when I bought my bike). My new boots have tacky lit­tle U.S. flags on them, and the reverse side says «Red Wing Shoe Com­pa­ny». Sweet.

I notice that I have a lit­tle fear that wear­ing a rep­re­sen­ta­tion of a U.S. flag might gain me some scorn from the local polit­i­cal­ly-cor­rect­ness nazis. But I com­fort myself by remem­ber­ing that if I get my ass kicked by a hip­pie while I’m wear­ing steel-toed boots, I deserve the beating.

Any­way, just as I was leav­ing the Red Wing Store, it start­ed pour­ing down rain. It’s good that I get to learn to ride in the rain I guess, but not so good that I get to learn what it’s like to get my jeans soaked through. Ugh. So add rid­ing pants to the list of pricey acces­sories I should get soon.

At least I have a most­ly appro­pri­ate jack­et. For over a decade peo­ple have been ask­ing me if I ride a motor­cy­cle when I wear my black leather jack­et. Now I no longer have to tell them I’m just a poser.

8 Replies to “As Splicer continues to hemhorrage money”

  1. Well, only because it’s dis­re­spect­ful
    [quote=splicer]I notice that I have a lit­tle fear that wear­ing a rep­re­sen­ta­tion of a U.S. flag might gain me some scorn from the local polit­i­cal­ly-cor­rect­ness nazis.[/quote]

    Well, only because it’s dis­re­spect­ful to the flag.

    From the U.S. Flag Code:

    > “The flag rep­re­sents a liv­ing coun­try and is itself con­sid­ered a liv­ing thing. There­fore, the lapel flag pin being a repli­ca, should be worn on the left lapel near the heart.”

    > “The flag should nev­er be used as wear­ing appar­el, bed­ding, or drapery…The flag should nev­er be fas­tened, dis­played, used, or stored in such a man­ner as to per­mit it to be eas­i­ly torn, soiled, or dam­aged in any way…The flag should nev­er be used for adver­tis­ing pur­pos­es in any man­ner what­so­ev­er. It should not be embroi­dered on such arti­cles as cush­ions or hand­ker­chiefs and the like, print­ed or oth­er­wise impressed on paper nap­kins or box­es or any­thing that is designed for tem­po­rary use and discard…No part of the flag should ever be used as a cos­tume or ath­let­ic uni­form. How­ev­er, a flag patch may be affixed to the uni­form of mil­i­tary per­son­nel, fire­men, police­men, and mem­bers of patri­ot­ic organizations.”

    1. Well yes, the flag code
      Well yes, the flag code makes a clear dis­tinc­tion between rep­re­sen­ta­tions or repli­cas of the flag and actu­al flags. Oth­er­wise you’d nev­er be able to print pho­tographs of pub­lic build­ings that have flag­poles, now would you? I don’t think that any of the vari­eties of illus­tra­tions of flags on flag­poles that go into “made in the USA” tags have been accused of vio­lat­ing the flag code.

      Any­how, no, I was think­ing more of the lit­tle Berke­leyite fuxx0rs who already think I’m a fas­cist for believ­ing that Bush is only the antichrist, not some­thing worse.

      1. Well yes, the flag code
        [quote=splicer]Well yes, the flag code makes a clear dis­tinc­tion between rep­re­sen­ta­tions or repli­cas of the flag and actu­al flags.[/quote]

        No, no it does­n’t. Read that again — *because* it’s a repli­ca of the flag, it must be treat­ed with respect and worn over the heart.

        > “The words ‘flag, stan­dard, col­ors, or ensign’, as used here­in, shall include any flag, stan­dard, col­ors, ensign, or any pic­ture or rep­re­sen­ta­tion of either, or of any part or parts of either, made of any sub­stance or rep­re­sent­ed on any sub­stance, of any size evi­dent­ly pur­port­ing to be either of said flag, stan­dard, col­ors, or ensign of the Unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca or a pic­ture or a rep­re­sen­ta­tion of either, upon which shall be shown the col­ors, the stars and the stripes, in any num­ber of either there­of, or of any part or parts of either, by which the aver­age per­son see­ing the same with­out delib­er­a­tion may believe the same to rep­re­sent the flag, col­ors, stan­dard, or ensign of the Unit­ed States of America.”

        [quote=splicer]I don’t think that any of the vari­eties of illus­tra­tions of flags on flag­poles that go into “made in the USA” tags have been accused of vio­lat­ing the flag code.[/quote]

        They do. “The flag should nev­er be used for adver­tis­ing pur­pos­es in any
        man­ner what­so­ev­er.” Fourth of July pic­nic sup­plies — paper nap­kins, paper plates, etc print­ed with the stars and stripes — also vio­late the flag code: “It should not be embroi­dered on such arti­cles as cush­ions or hand­ker­chiefs and the like, print­ed or oth­er­wise impressed on paper nap­kins or box­es or any­thing that is designed for tem­po­rary use and dis­card.” The flag code is rou­tine­ly and fla­grant­ly vio­lat­ed, but it clear­ly says that any rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the flag should be treat­ed with the same respect as the flag itself.

        Wear­ing the flag on your feet is, in my opin­ion, dis­re­spect­ful. But then I’m kind of a flag extrem­ist.

        1. Fuck. Now I got­ta delace the
          Fuck. Now I got­ta delace the damn things again. I guess I’d rather have the tags with the Red Wing logo any­how. Please don’t turn me in until I can make anoth­er trip to Daly City, OK?

          PS some­body bet­ter fink out that Cap­tain Amer­i­ca guy. Who does he think he is car­ry­ing that shield around?

          PPS At least three pic­tures of flags at prob­a­bly Andrew Jack­son’s fault. Fucker.

          PPPS Look at the back of the Twen­ty Dol­lar bill!!!!!1! And WHO IS ON THE FRONT??? AHA!!!!

          1. Yep, Cap is def­i­nite­ly in
            Yep, Cap is def­i­nite­ly in vio­la­tion. “No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume.”

          2. I bet that’s Andrew
            I bet that’s Andrew Jack­son’s fault too, but I just can’t prove it yet.

    2. For real “patri­ots”, the
      For real “patri­ots”, the good thing about the flag code is that it’s a great tool for selec­tive enforce­ment. Bust the hip­pies for doing the same thing your fel­low patri­ots do.

      1. The hip­pies tend to avoid
        The hip­pies tend to avoid flags alto­geth­er, unless they’ve got a mar­i­jua­na leaf on them.

        I dream some­times of going around giv­ing Flag Code cita­tions to every hotel and bank that leaves the flag up (unil­lu­mi­nat­ed) at night; every house with a frayed and tat­tered flag out front; every car with a flag tied to its anten­na; every store that leaves the flag fly­ing in the rain…It’s sort of an obsession.

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