Uh oh! Safety Recall

It’ll be a lit­tle longer before I start tak­ing girls for rides on the motorcycle:


Looks like I have to get the deal­er to replace the mount­ing hard­ware for the bitch seat. Inter­est­ing coin­ci­dence: the recall date is the date I bought the bike. The recall notice arrived in the mail yes­ter­day, and I had a friend sched­uled to ride with me today. I want­ed an expe­ri­enced rid­er to ride as my pas­sen­ger and give me some instruc­tion before tak­ing any­one else on any rides. Since I got the notice yes­ter­day, I can­celled today. Prob­a­bly every­thing would have been fine—the descrip­tion sounds like it’s a prob­lem that can arise over a long peri­od of time—but it would be irre­spon­si­ble to take a pas­sen­ger after get­ting the recall notice.

Black­out (Down in Mex­i­co)—Simon Stinger

3 Replies to “Uh oh! Safety Recall”

  1. Bitch seat? What kind of
    Bitch seat? What kind of pro­gres­sive, left-coast talk is that?


    PS Do you know the dif­fer­ence between a Harley and a Hoover? The Hoover has the dirt­bag on the inside.

  2. “Sis­sy” is a good Cal­i­for­nia
    “Sis­sy” is a good Cal­i­for­nia word. Seems to me I heard it men­tioned by your Gov­er­nor recently.…

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