What a difference a year makes

I just called my insur­ance com­pa­ny to let them know that my new Moto Guzzi Stone, which they had list­ed as a 2005 (and the State of Cal­i­for­nia has it that way too—I have to get my reg­is­tra­tion changed ugh) is real­ly a 2004 mod­el. Does­n’t real­ly mat­ter to me; as far as I can tell the 2004s and 2005s are iden­ti­cal. Still, I was afraid that if I got into an acci­dent and had to make a claim that inac­cu­rate infor­ma­tion could cause problems.

The kick­er: my insur­ance rates went down about $70/year and they’re pro­cess­ing a refund onto my cred­it card!

I guess their actu­ar­i­al tables say dif­fer­ent things about bikes that are brand new and bikes that are a year old. That makes sense except that it’s brand new no mat­ter how you slice it. I guess its resale val­ue is prob­a­bly less as a 2004 with 1800 miles on it than as a 2005 with 1800 miles on it.

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