Red Wing scores again, sort of

Well, first they took almost three weeks to resole my steel­toed fire boots. I was promised they’d be back in just over a week. Appar­ent­ly they got backed up. I got a phone call today telling me that the boots had come back with new soles, but that they’d put the wrong soles. Instead of the soles I’d request­ed, they’d put on a sim­i­lar but thick­er and heav­ier lugged sole. That’s two strikes.

The upshot of this is that I had a choice. I could wait while they sent my boots back, or else come and pick my boots up, as-is, with the new soles that weren’t the request­ed ones, at no charge.

I made it to the store today and looked at the soles. Yeah, they’re a lit­tle heav­ier than I’d expect­ed, but there’s noth­ing wrong with them. Thick­er soles will last longer and keep their trac­tion. So that’s great! I offered to pay for them—after all, I’d nev­er have been able to tell that they were the wrong ones if he had­n’t told me—but the sales­man was hav­ing none of that. If I want­ed, he’d send them back, but if I want­ed them as they are, he was not tak­ing my money.

It gives me a warm feel­ing that there are still com­pa­nies that want to build life­long rela­tion­ships with pay­ing cus­tomers rather than nick­el and dime us to keep the share prices high in the short term. I nev­er expect any­one to be per­fect, just to be will­ing to cor­rect mis­takes. Or in this case, overcorrect.

3 Replies to “Red Wing scores again, sort of”

  1. If you’re plan­ning on using
    If you’re plan­ning on using those steel-toed boots for rid­ing, don’t. You’ll find out either the hard way or from oth­er expe­ri­enced rid­ers that they can actu­al­ly do more harm than good.

  2. Hey, cool! I’ve been look­ing
    Hey, cool! I’ve been look­ing for some­one to back up that claim. Of all the expe­ri­enced rid­ers and all the ER staff and the EMTs that I’ve talked to, I’ve still yet to find some­one that can tell me of one accident—even one they’ve only read about—in which steel­toes were actu­al­ly a detri­ment. I keep on hear­ing the sto­ry of some­one’s foot get­ting cut in half by the steel in the toe, but the only thing any­one has ever actu­al­ly heard of hap­pen­ing is hav­ing the toe crush and stay crushed, imped­ing the abil­i­ty to safe­ly get at the foot to fix it. And those sto­ries are always fol­lowed up by “of course, if he had­n’t been wear­ing steel­toes, that por­tion of the foot would have been liquified.”

    So I’m sure that YOU can actu­al­ly tell me about some­one that you’ve heard of who actu­al­ly was injured because of their steel­toed boots. Right?

  3. Yes, a mem­ber in my club
    Yes, a mem­ber in my club dropped, and his toes end­ed up get­ting crushed, thanks to steel toed boots. He now walks with a cane. 

    I recomend re-enforced boots.

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