My streak is over… maybe

I took the train to work today, and stayed home this evening.

This makes it the first full day since I got my motor­cy­cle endorse­ment that I have not rid­den. The day after I got my license I bought the Vira­go. Since then, even if it was to go sev­en blocks to the cof­feeshop, I’ve start­ed up one of the bikes and rid­den it some dis­tance every day.

I’m tempt­ed to go out and take one of the bikes for a short spin just so as not to break the chain. It would be pret­ty arbi­trary if I did that. Also tempt­ed to count gassing up the Vira­go after mid­night yes­ter­day as a “today” ride, since it was after mid­night and all.

Prob­a­bly bet­ter not to care if I ride EVERY day. But I’m get­ting super­sti­tious in my old age.

8 Replies to “My streak is over… maybe”

  1. Are you ask­ing if I’m
    Are you ask­ing if I’m plan­ning any lengthy rides at night? I’m not, although I might do a few hun­dred miles after dark in a week or three. If you’re ask­ing about whether I’m con­sid­er­ing ever rid­ing after the sun sets, I fre­quent­ly do go from point A to point B at night. Why?

  2. Are we talk­ing in-city or
    Are we talk­ing in-city or beyond. 

    Most­ly because you may be in need of a minor checkup.

    (minor mean­ing you ride in, adjust­ment is made in three min­utes, you ride out)

  3. A check-up? Is this some
    A check-up? Is this some sort of atti­tude adjust­ment thing where you beat me up and tell me what a cool bik­er I’m not?

    I’ll give you three recent examples.

    Tonight, I left work after dark, went on a date in Orin­da and came back to SF. It was all slab rid­ing, about 70 miles, but dark sky.

    A week ago I took a girl down the penin­su­la for a movie. Also large­ly slab rid­ing, but not lit up like most of the East Bay free­ways I rode tonight. Round trip: 90 miles.

    About a month ago when my rid­ing group went up to Tahoe and Yosemite, one of our rid­ers went down about 60 miles short of Truc­k­ee. After the ambu­lance took her away and we loaded her bike into a truck, we fin­ished the leg so we could get to where we would sleep. We were already behind sched­ule, so we’d been rid­ing for close to an hour in the dark already when she went down. That’s prob­a­bly a total of 100 miles on twisties with no street­lights at all.

  4. “A check-up? Is this some
    “A check-up? Is this some sort of atti­tude adjust­ment thing where you beat me up and tell me what a cool bik­er I’m not?”

    No, it means bring­ing it into the shop and let­ting the mechan­ics do their mag­ic, defen­sive boy.

    How were the air-races?

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