Cold! (or: wimping out from too much time in California?)

I believe that I’ve got motor­cy­cle parts wait­ing for me at my mail­box and I’d like to get some time at my friend’s garage to do some work on the bike this after­noon, so I got up ear­ly this morn­ing and head­ed in to the office before sun­rise. It was a brisk morn­ing and I did­n’t think to bun­dle up with any extra lay­ers, just put my jack­et and rid­ing pants on over my work clothes and got on the bike to get to work.

I took Hwy 101 think­ing (cor­rect­ly) that traf­fic would be light enough that I could make it to the office quick­ly. I was sur­prised by how quick­ly I start­ed to feel the chill. By the time I passed the turnoff for the San Mateo bridge, my elec­tric hand­grips weren’t doing enough and I start­ed reach­ing down to put a gloved hand on my valve cov­ers, and even there the heat did­n’t thaw out my fingers.

I guess it’s always dark­est (and cold­est) before the dawn, but I sim­ply had­n’t con­sid­ered whether I was wear­ing enough to be warm. It was only a 33 mile ride in to the office but I was very very pleased to arrive and warm my hands up with a cup of coffee.

I checked the weath­er to see what it would be like this week­end and saw that in the “hourly tem­per­a­tures” list­ed Palo Alto dropped to 32 degrees at about the time I was on my way to the office.

If I’d been think­ing in terms of 32 degrees, I’m sure I’d either have worn a sweater, dif­fer­ent gloves, or tak­en the train. I doubt that I’m the only one—even among those in typ­i­cal­ly cold­er climates—that thinks that 32 is too cold not to put on some extra clothes.

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