Faster processor == better TV

Appar­ent­ly a 2.1 gHz G5 has enough horse­pow­er to decode an HDTV sig­nal and dis­play it fullscreen with­out the stut­ter­ing paus­es that plagued the set­up on the old dual-proces­sor G4 sys­tem. The cin­e­ma aspect ratio mon­i­tor isn’t much big­ger than my old CRT, but it is wider, so TV shows that come in in widescreen look a lot better.

Odd­ly enough, even plain old net­work TV is pret­ty watch­able in HD. I have to admit that it does­n’t make adver­tise­ments any less annoying.

2 Replies to “Faster processor == better TV”

  1. ElGa­to Eye­TV 500. It ONLY
    ElGa­to Eye­TV 500. It ONLY does HD, so I also have For­mac Stu­dio TVR for the stan­dard chan­nels. How­ev­er, since Bat­tlestar Galac­ti­ca is avail­able sans com­mer­cials on iTunes I may sell the For­mac device and sim­ply refuse to watch any­thing that isn’t broad­cast as dig­i­tal TV.

    I’m feel­ing a lit­tle fool­ish for send­ing the cable box back to the cable com­pa­ny. I’ve been read­ing reports that the firewire ports on the back could have just been plugged into my mac for my view­ing plea­sure. Not sure how that would work.… would I watch it in iMovie or some­thing like that? It’s a crazy world.

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