The terrorists are winning

Ste­fan­grad has­n’t recovered.

The fires caused by the plane crash­es forced mas­sive infra­struc­ture expen­di­tures, and the econ­o­my spi­ralled out of con­trol. Soon, the city’s pop­u­la­tion aban­doned Ste­fan­grad, tak­ing it from a city of 45,000 down to 20,000, slash­ing the tax income need­ed to sup­port basic ser­vices like road repair and police/fire depart­ment bud­gets. Crime became ram­pant and even more of the good cit­i­zens migrat­ed out. Ste­fan­grad now stands a ghost town, a shell of its for­mer self. Police and fire depart­ments closed, roads and rail­ways crum­bling to bits, even bridges and tun­nels becom­ing impassable.

It’s a sad day, all caused by the coor­di­nat­ed attacks on a sports stadium.

Oh, maybe they weren’t coor­di­nat­ed attacks. Maybe it’s a bad idea to build an air­port so close to a sports stadium.


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