What does picking colors have to do with my professional life?

I got a job­seek­er newslet­ter that rec­om­mend­ed the “col­or test” along­side oth­er psy­cho­log­i­cal pro­file tests like the Myers-Brig­gs and Keirsey Tem­pera­ment Sorter. This one asked me to pick box­es of dif­fer­ent col­ors and made judg­ments about my per­son­al­i­ty based on the order in which I chose the boxes.


Free per­son­al­i­ty analy­sis of Splicer.
Gen­er­at­ed on Tue Jul 4 23:14:13 2006.



Splicer’s Existing Situation

    Work­ing to cre­ate for him­self a firm foun­da­tion on which to erect a secure, com­fort­able, and prob­lem-free future, in which he will be grant­ed respect and recognition.

Splicer’s Stress Sources

    Unful­filled hopes have lead to uncer­tain­ty and a tense watch­ful­ness. Insists on free­dom of action and resents any form of con­trol oth­er than which is self-imposed. Unwill­ing to go with­out or to relin­quish any­thing and demands secu­ri­ty as a pro­tec­tion against any fur­ther set­back or loss of posi­tion or pres­tige. Doubts that things will be any bet­ter in the future and this neg­a­tive atti­tude leads him to exag­ger­ate his claims and to refuse rea­son­able compromises.

Splicer’s Restrained Characteristics

    Has high emo­tion­al demands and is will­ing to involve him­self in a close rela­tion­ship, but not with any great depth of feel­ing.

    Try­ing to calm down and unwind after a peri­od of over-agi­ta­tion which has left him list­less and devoid of ener­gy. In need of peace and qui­et; becomes irri­ta­ble if this is denied him.

Splicer’s Desired Objective

    Needs to feel iden­ti­fied with some­one or some­thing and wish­es to win sup­port by his charm and ami­a­bil­i­ty. Sen­ti­men­tal and yearns for a roman­tic tenderness.

Splicer’s Actual Problem

    Seeks to avoid crit­i­cism and to pre­vent restric­tion of his free­dom to act, and to decide for him­self by the exer­cise of great per­son­al charm in his deal­ings with others.

Splicer’s Actual Problem #2


ul>Disappointment and the fear that there is no point in for­mu­lat­ing fresh goals have led to anx­i­ety, and he is dis­tressed by the lack of any close and under­stand­ing rela­tion­ship. He attempts to escape into a sub­sti­tute world in which things are more near­ly as he desires them to be.

Take the Col­orQuiz your­self right now!

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