Rainbow Falls 5K

This morn­ing’s DSE run was the Rain­bow Falls 5K. My left metatarsal is killing me—I limped the last half of the run.

It’s odd how dif­fi­cult it can be some­times to gauge my pace. Since today’s race was a 5K I fig­ured that I’d be able to turn up the heat a lit­tle bit and run faster. I got out there and was imme­di­ate­ly breath­ing hard­er than I like. I think if the air is a lit­tle cool­er I begin to wheeze some­times. My heartrate was ele­vat­ed the whole time (176 average/190 max) and it felt like I was bare­ly moving.

Then I crossed the line at 25:54, which is an 8:21 pace. Damn good for me—I think Fri­day’s run was a 9:40 pace. Grant­ed, Fri­day’s run was 11.5 miles, but I felt like I was mov­ing faster the whole time. Look­ing at the log, today’s race time is a PR for a 5K for me. Yet I felt like I was strug­gling and mov­ing real slow. And limp­ing! How is that?

I’m def­i­nite­ly going to have to exper­i­ment with inserts before the U.S. Half next week­end. I’m sure that I can­not do 13.1 miles with my metatarsal scream­ing bloody mur­der at me.

The way this sea­son has gone I cer­tain­ly was­n’t expect­ing a PR today.

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