700 feet on two feet
Today’s run: Twin Peaks. As best as I can tell from some low-res topo maps on the web, I ran from 150 feet above sea level to 850 feet in two miles, then back after a flat loop, totalling 4.1 miles in 44:34. That’s a 10:52 pace, hardly what I’d normally call speedy, but I don’t normally run hills these days so I call it a resounding victory. In fact, considering how long it’s been since I’ve done a hill run, the fact that I completed at all is a major triumph.
The math says that 700 feet of climb over two miles is an average 6.6 percent incline. Doesn’t sound like that much, but I guess I keep in mind that it’s an average incline. Also, anything seems steeper when running it than when, say, looking at numbers on a calculator.
I’d call it a triumph as
I’d call it a triumph as well, especially since you were sick just a few weeks ago. You must be feeling much better!