Happy Birthday, GOP
It was on this day in 1854 that the Republican Party was organized.
Historically the GOP has stood for some very laudable ideals and has fought effectively for them. Some of the ideals of the Republican Party may seem strange to modern readers who read the news of the Republicans of today, but the ideals are worth embracing even though today’s execution falls short of those ideals.
There is no vice in falling short of one’s ideals. The only vice is achieving them, because that means that the sights have been set too low. The United States of America is a nation of failed ideals, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. We should always be trying to to better and always set our goals higher than we can achieve. Let those who will accuse us of hypocrisy live with their own low standards, but it is an American tradition to declare the way it oughtta be as something different from the way it already is.
So lets take a moment to celebrate the Grand Old Party, the party of leaders who warned us about the dangers of the military industrial complex (Eisenhower), preserved our natural wonders with the establishment of our National Parks (Teddy Roosevelt), fought for the abolition of slavery and the equality of all Americans (although he deserves credit for a great many things, it’s too easy to just say Lincoln… the Republican Party was formed by abolitionists), who secured a woman’s legal right to choose abortion (check voting records from the sixties and early seventies. The GOP was the pro-choice party up until Reagan took office), and created the Environmental Protection Agency (Nixon).
The GOP may be hard to recognize today, but if you look past the demagogues who fill the spotlight and look to the core of “Red State” voters and yes, even some of the elected officials, you might be surprised to find a core of American values that too often gets forgotten.