What’s On Paper View Tonight?
I finally got around to writing in the Clairefontaine notebook I bought back when I started this whole investigation into notebooks and Moleskines and all this fun stuff that goes along with having good pens.
First the complaints: it’s ruled too wide. 8mm per line makes me feel like I’m in grade school writing on the paper with the dotted lines marking out the x‑height. The blue rules with a single red margin stripe doesn’t help either. The paper is bright white, and I prefer something a little off-white. That’s just preference though. The laminated cardboard cover, while sturdy, doesn’t really make the thing feel like an object to be treasured like the Moleskines or Miquelriuses do. The end papers are a nice touch, but powder blue? Aside from the end papers, this notebook does not have any bonus features like pockets in the back or an elastic closure strap or ribbon bookmarks.
Now that the minor quibbles are out of the way, how’s the paper?
Funny you should ask, because this paper is amazing. Miquelrius should be sending spies out for the formula and Moda & Moda should be hanging their heads in shame for calling the Moleskine premium when paper this good is out there.
I wrote with the Pilot Knight, Rotring Initial, and Parker Profile, loaded with Private Reserve and Noodler’s inks. Under a 10x loupe I was able to detect a hint of spread in the Noodler’s Polar Black from my Parker Profile. The spreading is really not noticeable to the naked eye.
The paper is opaque within reason. There is the hint of show-through, but not enough to be distracting, even with the Noodler’s. They hit this out of the park. The paper is exactly what notebook paper should be.
Back to those little quibbles. I think there may be a solution. Clairefontaine makes Exacompta journals, both with leather-look covers and journal refills for leather journals. If the Exacomptas are as good as the Clairefontaine, I can let the bookmarks and closures and so forth be attached to a journal cover and simply swap the paper out when I finish one. My hopes for Exacompta: off-white paper with grey 6mm rules. That would make my day, and a quick search through the Web indicates that I may have my day made soon. Looks like Exacompta comes in a variety of colors and ruling options, between 6mm and 10mm. I’m not going to start buying it up sight unseen, but after I get my hands (and pens) on one journal I’ll report here about the quality of the paper.
For now, this is flat-out the best writing paper I’ve encountered in a notebook. Clairefontaine, thank you for paying attention to the quality of paper.